Performs setting of the line that controls whether the slave device is remote mode or local mode (REN).
Ret = GpibChangeREN ( Id, Enable )
Id [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]
Specifies DevID or EqpID.
Whichever it specifies, operation does not change.
Enable [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]
Sets that REN is enabled or disabled.
0 |
Disabled |
Except 0 |
Enabled |
Return Value
Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ][ C, C++: long ][ C#: int ]
0 |
Normality completion |
10001 |
Invalid ID was specified |
10002 |
Driver can not be called |
20623 |
When it was not a master (controller), communication accompanied by address was performed. |
Initial Value
Even if REN is enabled, slave device cannot go into remote mode until it receives listener address.
Transmits listener address with GpibSendCommands function, or use GpibEnableRemote function instead of GpibChangeREN please.
Enables REN.
C |
short Enable; Enable = 1; Ret = GpibChangeREN ( Id, Enable ); |
See Also
GpibEnableRemote | GpibSendCommands | GpibSendLocalLockout