How to set arbitrary waveform

When specifying an arbitrary waveform with C-WaveformGenerator, it is necessary to separately prepare a comma separated values (CSV) format file.
From the waveform selection panel, you can select a CSV file by pressing the [Arbitrary] button.

The following CSV file formats can be read.

  - CSV file saved with C-WaveformGenerator
  - CSV file saved by C-LOGGER    *Binary format cannot be read by C-WaveformGenerator

When creating a new CSV file, please follow the CSV format below.
We recommend that you customize the CSV file saved with C-WaveformGenerator.
For details, please refer to Format of saved data.



Below is the CSV format of C-WaveformGenerator.

[CSV format]

The line feed code is CRLF.
Following the 4-line header, the data are arranged chronologically on each line.


[Header section]

Line number Meaning Supplement Input example


Generator Waveform


If there is no this string, the message "Failed to load file" will be displayed and the CSV file will not be read.

Generator Waveform



It is for explanation of the line3.

Empty line is no problem.




Version, Channels, Number

Version: Indicates the file version

Not used currently



Channels: Specify the number of columns after the Line5. The input range is 1-16.

Read the columns corresponding to the number of analog output channels of the device used.

If there is no corresponding column, the data in column 1 is used.

  Example: ch0 = 1st column, ch1 = 2nd column, ch2 = 3rd column, ch3 = 4th column...


Number: Specify the number of lines (number of data) after the Line5. The input range is 1 to 16,000.

Regardless of the number of data, one period = 1000 points internally.

  Example: When the number of data is 100 -> Output the same data 10 times consecutively and move to the next line of data.
  Example: When the number of data is 1000 -> When 1 data is output, it moves to the next line of data.
  Example: When the number of data is 10000 -> 9 points out of 10 are thinned out and the data is output.

  Example: Even though the number of data is 1000, if there are only 100 lines after the Line5 (insufficient)
          -> Output the same data 10 times continuously and move to the next line of data.

  Example: Even though the number of data is 1000, if there are 10000 lines after the 5th row (too many)
          -> Only 1000 lines from the Line5 are valid. Lines 1001 and beyond are invalid.



It is for explaining the data after the Line5.

Empty line is no problem.




[Data section]

Data is floating point. It can be voltage or current data.
A "," is required following the data.


[CSV file example]



Below is an outline of the CSV format of C-LOGGER.
For details, please refer to the User's Guide of C-LOGGER.

[CSV format]

The line feed code is CRLF.
Following the 6-line header, the data are arranged chronologically on each line.




①Acquisition execution information

Saves the conditions and information on the acquisition.

②Acquisition channel information

Saves channel information when acquisition was performed.

③Acquired data

Saves acquired data for each channel.Data to be saved are binary values.