Performs FFT/DFT conversion and obtain the power spectrum. (When smoothing is enabled, convert using the corrected value)
Ret = dncFFT1.GetPowerSpectrum(InData , OutData )
[ C#: int[] ] [ VB.NET: Integer() ]
Specifies the array that stores the data to be processed.
[ C#: out float[] ] [ VB.NET: Single() ]
Specifies an array to store the power spectrum.
Return value
Ret [ C#: int ] [ VB.NET: Integer ]
Value |
Description |
0 |
Normality completion |
510001 |
The input parameter is invalid. Check the parameter contents. |
Other errors (See also: Error code details)
Performs FFT/DFT conversion and obtain the power spectrum. (When smoothing is enabled, convert using the corrected value)
Data is stored in OutData in the following format.
<Data image in OutData array>
*When number of sampling channels: 2, number of sampling data: 256
Array index |
Stored data |
0 |
Frequency resolution x 0 |
1 |
CH0: Power spectrum |
2 |
CH1: Power spectrum |
3 |
Frequency resolution x 1 |
4 |
CH0: Power spectrum |
5 |
CH1: Power spectrum |
・・・ |
・・・ |
384 |
Frequency resolution x 128 |
385 |
CH0: Power spectrum |
386 |
CH1: Power spectrum |
The number of valid power spectrum data for FFT/DFT calculations is half of the sampling data.
For OutData, please prepare an array of [(Number of sampling data / 2) +1 ) × (Number of channels +1)] or more.
Calculates the power spectrum of triangular wave data with amplitude -10.0 to +10.0.
C# |
int Ret; int[]
InData = new int[4]; InData[3] = 0;
Ret As Integer
= 0;