Value |
Description |
0 |
Normality completion |
1 |
Failed in the acquisition
of the resource |
2 |
Failed in the registration
of the interruption routine |
3 |
Failed in the allocation
of the memory |
4 |
Failed in the access
of registry |
5 |
The value of Address
is unusual at the time of bus-master registration |
6 |
Failed in the creation
of the adapter object |
7 |
Execute AioResetDevice function because the device has recovered from standby mode |
8 |
Initialization failed because caio.sys is not found |
9 |
Initialization failed because the file version of caio.dll cannot be acquired |
10 |
Initialization failed because the file version of caio.sys cannot be acquired |
11 |
Initialization failed because the file version of caio.dll is not same as caio.sys |
10000 |
The device name which
wasn't registered by a device manager was specified |
10001 |
Invalid ID was specified |
10002 |
AIO driver can't be
called |
10003 |
Failed in the creation
of the file |
10004 |
Failed in the closing
of the file |
10005 |
Failed in the creation
of the thread |
10006 |
Device not found |
10007 |
Pointer to DeviceName is NULL |
10008 |
Pointer to Device is NULL |
10009 |
Device not found |
10010 |
Pointer to DeviceName is NULL |
10011 |
Pointer to Device is NULL |
10012 |
Pointer to BoardId is NULL |
10013 |
Could not get device type |
10014 |
Pointer to Device is NULL |
10015 |
Pointer to DeviceType is NULL |
10100 |
A device name isn't
stored in DeviceName |
10101 |
Pointer to Id is NULL |
10180 |
Pointer to ErrorString
is NULL |
10220 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10221 |
Pointer to Data is
10222 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10240 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10241 |
Pointer to Data is
10242 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10260 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10261 |
Pointer to Data is
10262 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10280 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10281 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10300 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10301 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10320 |
The value of Offset
is a minus |
10321 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
10340 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the function |
10341 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the function |
10350 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the function |
10351 |
Pointer to Value is NULL |
11000 |
The value of AiInputMethod
is outside the designated range of the function |
11010 |
Pointer to AiInputMethod
is NULL |
11020 |
The value of AiChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
11030 |
Pointer to AiChannels
is NULL |
11040 |
The value of AiChennal
is outside the designated range of the function |
11041 |
The value of AiRange is outside the designated range of the function |
11050 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11051 |
Pointer to AiRange
is NULL |
11060 |
The value of AiRange is outside the designated range of the function |
11080 |
The value of AiMemoryType
is outside the designated range of the function |
11090 |
Pointer to AiMemoryType
is NULL |
11100 |
The value of AiRepeatTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
11110 |
Pointer to AiRepeatTimes
is NULL |
11120 |
The value of AiClockType
is outside the designated range of the function |
11130 |
Pointer to AiClockType
is NULL |
11140 |
The value of AiSamplingClock
is outside the designated range of the function |
11150 |
Pointer to AiSamplingClock
is NULL |
11160 |
The value of AiStartTrigger is outside the designated range of the function |
11170 |
Pointer to AiStartTrigger
is NULL |
11180 |
The value of AiChennal
is outside the designated range of the function |
11181 |
The value of AiDirection
is outside the designated range of the function |
11190 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11191 |
Pointer to AiStartLevel
is NULL |
11192 |
Pointer to AiDirection
is NULL |
11260 |
The value of AiStopTrigger
is outside the designated range of the function |
11270 |
Pointer to AiStopTrigger
is NULL |
11280 |
The value of AiStopTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
11290 |
Pointer to AiStopTimes
is NULL |
11300 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11301 |
The value of AiDirection
is outside the designated range of the function |
11310 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11311 |
Pointer to AiStopLevel
is NULL |
11312 |
Pointer to AiDirection
is NULL |
11360 |
The value of AiStopDelayTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
11370 |
Pointer to AiStopDelayTimes
is NULL |
11390 |
Pointer to AiEvent
is NULL |
11400 |
The value of AiSamplingTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
11410 |
Pointer to AiSamplingTimes
is NULL |
11420 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11421 |
Pointer to AiData is
11440 |
The value of AiChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
11441 |
Pointer to AiData is
11460 |
The thread can't be carried out |
11480 |
A driver inner error occurred |
11481 |
A driver inner error occurred |
11482 |
A driver inner error occurred |
11483 |
A driver inner error occurred |
11500 |
Pointer to AiStatus
is NULL |
11520 |
Pointer to AiSamplingCount
is NULL |
11540 |
Pointer to AiRepeatCount
is NULL |
11560 |
Pointer to AiStopTriggerCount
is NULL |
11580 |
Pointer to AiSamplingTimes
is NULL |
11581 |
Pointer to AiData is
11720 |
Pointer to AiMaxChannels
is NULL |
11740 |
Pointer to AiResolution
is NULL |
11760 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11761 |
The value of Sequence
is outside the designated range of the function |
11770 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11771 |
Pointer to Sequence
is NULL |
11820 |
The value of AiMemorysize is outside the designated range of the function |
11830 |
Pointer to AiMemorySize is NULL |
11840 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11841 |
Pointer to AiData is
11860 |
The value of AiChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
11861 |
Pointer to AiData is
11880 |
Pointer to AiSamplingTimes
is NULL |
11881 |
Pointer to AiData is
11920 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11921 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the function |
11930 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11931 |
Pointer to AiStartLevel
is NULL |
11932 |
Pointer to AiDirection is NULL |
11940 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11941 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the function |
11950 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
11951 |
Pointer to AiStopLevel
is NULL |
11952 |
Pointer to AiDirection
is NULL |
11960 |
The value of AiTransferMode is outside the designated range of the function |
11970 |
Pointer to AiTransferMode
is NULL |
11980 |
The value of DataNumber is outside the designated range of the function |
11981 |
Pointer to Buffer is
11982 |
It failed in securing a buffer for Bus-Master transfer |
12020 |
Pointer to DataSize
is NULL |
12040 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12041 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
12050 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12051 |
Pointer to Level1 is
12052 |
Pointer to Level2 is
12053 |
Pointer to StateTimes
is NULL |
12060 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12061 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
12070 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12071 |
Pointer to Level1 is
12072 |
Pointer to Level2 is
12073 |
Pointer to StateTimes
is NULL |
12080 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12081 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
12090 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12091 |
Pointer to Level1 is
12092 |
Pointer to Level2 is
12093 |
Pointer to StateTimes
is NULL |
12100 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12101 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
12110 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12111 |
Pointer to Level1 is
12112 |
Pointer to Level2 is
12113 |
Pointer to StateTimes
is NULL |
12120 |
The value of AiTransferTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
12130 |
Pointer to AiSamplingTimes
is NULL |
12140 |
Pointer to AiTransferCount
is NULL |
12160 |
Pointer to Lap is NULL |
12180 |
Pointer to Count is
12200 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
12201 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
12202 |
The value of Data is outside the designated range of the function |
12003 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12210 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
12211 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
12212 |
Pointer to Data is
12213 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12220 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
12221 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
12222 |
Pointer to Data is
12223 |
The value of AiChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
12240 |
The value of AiScanClock is outside the designated range of the function |
12250 |
Pointer to AiScanClock is NULL |
12260 |
Pointer to AiSamplingClock is NULL |
12310 |
The value of AiClockEdge is outside the designated range of the function |
12320 |
Pointer to AiClockEdge is NULL |
12382 |
Timeout occurred. Please reset the device, or extend the timeout period. |
13000 |
The value of AoChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
13020 |
The value of AoChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
13021 |
Pointer to AoData is
13040 |
Pointer to AoResolution
is NULL |
13060 |
The value of AoChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
13070 |
Pointer to AoChannels
is NULL |
13080 |
Pointer to AoMaxChannels
is NULL |
13100 |
The value of AoChannels
is outside the designated range of the function |
13101 |
The value of AoRange is outside the designated range of the function |
13110 |
The value of AoChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
13111 |
Pointer to AoRange
is NULL |
13120 |
The value of AoRange is outside the designated range of the function |
13140 |
The value of AoMemoryType
is outside the designated range of the function |
13150 |
Pointer to AoMemoryType
is NULL |
13160 |
The value of AoRepeatTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
13170 |
Pointer to AoRepeatTimes
is NULL |
13180 |
The value of AoClockType
is outside the designated range of the function |
13190 |
Pointer to AoClockType
is NULL |
13200 |
The value of AoSamplingClock
is outside the designated range of the function |
13210 |
Pointer to AoSamplingClock
is NULL |
13220 |
The value of AoSamplingTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
13221 |
Pointer to AoData is
13230 |
Pointer to AoSamplingTimes
is NULL |
13240 |
The value of AoStartTrigger is outside the designated range of the function |
13250 |
Pointer to AoStartTrigger
is NULL |
13260 |
The value of AoStopTrigger is outside the designated range of the function |
13270 |
Pointer to AoStopTrigger
is NULL |
13290 |
Pointer to AoEvent
is NULL |
13300 |
The value of AoSamplingTimes
is outside the designated range of the function |
13310 |
Pointer to AoSamplingTimes
is NULL |
13320 |
The thread can't be carried out |
13360 |
The value of AoChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
13370 |
The value of AoChannel
is outside the designated range of the function |
13380 |
Pointer to AoStatus
is NULL |
13400 |
Pointer to AoSamplingCount
is NULL |
13420 |
Pointer to AoRepeatCount
is NULL |
13480 |
The value of AoMemorySize is outside the designated range of the function |
13490 |
Pointer to AoMemorySize is NULL |
13500 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
13520 |
The value of AoChannels is outside the designated range of the function |
13521 |
Pointer to AoData is NULL |
13540 |
The value of AoSamplingTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
13541 |
Pointer to AoData is NULL |
13580 |
The value of AoTransferMode is outside the designated range of the function |
13590 |
Pointer to AoTransferMode is NULL |
13600 |
The value of DataNumber is outside the designated range of the function |
13601 |
Pointer to Buffer is NULL |
13602 |
It failed in securing a buffer for Bus-Master transfer |
13640 |
Pointer to DataSize is NULL |
13660 |
The value of AoTransferTimes is outside the designated range of the function |
13670 |
Pointer to AoSamplingTimes is NULL |
13680 |
Pointer to AoTransferCount is NULL |
13700 |
Pointer to Lap is NULL |
13720 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
13721 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
13722 |
The value of Data is outside the designated range of the function |
13723 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
13730 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
13731 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
13732 |
Pointer to Data is NULL |
13733 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
13740 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the function |
13741 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the function |
13742 |
Pointer to Data is NULL |
13743 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
13760 |
Pointer to AoSamplingClock is NULL |
13770 |
The value of AoClockEdge is outside the designated range of the function |
13780 |
Pointer to AiClockEdge is NULL |
14000 |
The value of DiBit
is outside the designated range of the function |
14001 |
Pointer to DiData is
14010 |
The value of DiPort
is outside the designated range of the function |
14011 |
Pointer to DiData is
14020 |
The value of DoBit
is outside the designated range of the function |
14021 |
The value of DoData is outside the designated range of the function |
14030 |
The value of DoPort
is outside the designated range of the function |
14031 |
The value of DoData is outside the designated range of the function |
14040 |
The value of Bit is outside the designated range of the function |
14041 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the function |
14050 |
The value of Bit is outside the designated range of the function |
14051 |
Pointer to Value is NULL |
15000 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15010 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15011 |
Pointer to CntMode is NULL |
15020 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15021 |
The value of PresetNumber is outside the designated range of the function |
15022 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
15023 |
Pointer to PresetData is NULL |
15040 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15041 |
The value of ComparisonNumber is outside the designated range of the function |
15042 |
The value of Flag is outside the designated range of the function |
15043 |
Pointer to PresetData is NULL |
15060 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15061 |
The value of CntClockType is outside the designated range of the function |
15070 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15071 |
Pointer to CntClockType is NULL |
15080 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15090 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15091 |
Pointer to CntEvent is NULL |
15100 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15120 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15121 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the function |
15122 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the function |
15130 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15131 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the function |
15132 |
Pointer to Value is NULL |
15140 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15141 |
The thread can't be carried out |
15160 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15180 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15200 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15201 |
Pointer to CntStatus is NULL |
15220 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15221 |
Pointer to Count is NULL |
15240 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the function |
15260 |
Pointer to CntMaxChannels is NULL |
16000 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16010 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16011 |
Pointer to TmEvent is NULL |
16020 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16040 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16041 |
The value of Interval is outside the designated range of the function |
16042 |
The thread can't be carried out |
16060 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16080 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16100 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16120 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16121 |
Pointer to Lap is NULL |
16140 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16160 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
16161 |
The value of Wait is outside the designated range of the function |
17000 |
The value of Destination is outside the designated range of the function |
17001 |
The value of Source is outside the designated range of the function |
17010 |
The value of Destination is outside the designated range of the function |
17011 |
Pointer to Output is NULL |
18000 |
Invalid mode setting |
18100 |
Invalid data buffer address |
18200 |
Window handle is invalid |
20000 |
It failed in memory
allocation for the object preparation |
20001 |
This function can't
be used by this device |
20002 |
Can not use while by another device works |
20003 |
Can not use because
another process is using the device |
20020 |
CRC error |
20021 |
Bit pack error |
20022 |
Toggle mismatch |
20023 |
Stall PID |
20024 |
Device not responding |
20025 |
PID check failure |
20026 |
Unexpected PID |
20027 |
Data overrun |
20028 |
Data underrun |
20029 |
Buffer overrun |
20030 |
Buffer underrun |
20031 |
Endpoint halted |
20032 |
Not found device information |
20033 |
Access denied |
20034 |
Invalid handle |
20035 |
It's need to upgrade the firmware |
20036 |
It's need to upgrade the host driver |
20037 |
It failed in USB transfer |
20100 |
The number of processes
met an upper limit |
20160 |
It failed in the reset of the device |
20161 |
It failed in the reset of the bus-master |
20340 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the device being used |
20341 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the device being used |
20350 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21000 |
An analog input method
can't be established with the device being used |
21001 |
The value of AiInputMethod
is different from JP value |
21020 |
It was set up by the
number of maximum channels because it exceeded the number of maximum
channels of the device |
21040 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21041 |
The value of AiRange is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21042 |
JP of the device must
be set in unipolar |
21043 |
JP of the device must
be set in bipolar |
21044 |
It failed in the setting of the range |
21060 |
The value of AiRange is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21061 |
JP of the device must
be set in unipolar |
21062 |
JP of the device must
be set in bipolar |
21063 |
It failed in the setting of the range |
21080 |
The value of AiMemoryType is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21120 |
The value of AiClockType is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21140 |
The value of AiSamplingClock is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21160 |
The value of AiStartTrigger is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21180 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21181 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
21182 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
21183 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
21184 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21260 |
The value of AiStopTrigger is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21300 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21301 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
21302 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
21303 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
21304 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21420 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21421 |
AD conversion error
occurred |
21423 |
The channel which isn't being used for the conversion is specified |
21440 |
AD conversion error
occurred |
21441 |
The number of conversion channels was exceeded. It is converted on the maximum channel |
21460 |
Because sampling clock error occurs, you must reset a device |
21461 |
Virtual memory can't
be allocated |
21462 |
Virtual memory can't
be initialized |
21463 |
In the software start, set up the repeat number in 1 |
21464 |
Failed in the creation
of the driver thread |
21466 |
A user buffer isn't set up |
21469 |
Buffer overflow error occurred, you must reset a memory |
21480 |
A conversion can't be stopped with this command, use AioResetDevice function |
21481 |
It failed in the stop of master transfer |
21520 |
It failed in the acquisition
of the sampling times |
21580 |
It tried to acquire data beyond the converted number. AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value |
21581 |
It failed in the acquisition of the address |
21584 |
FIFO is empty |
21585 |
It tried to acquire data beyond the memory size. AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value |
21760 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21761 |
The value of Sequence is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21770 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21840 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21841 |
AD conversion error occurred |
21843 |
The channel which isn't being used for the conversion is specified |
21860 |
AD conversion error occurred |
21861 |
The number of conversion channels was exceeded. It is converted on the maximum channel |
21880 |
The value of AiChannels is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21881 |
It tried to acquire data beyond the converted number. AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value |
21882 |
It failed in the acquisition of the address |
21885 |
FIFO is empty |
21886 |
It tried to acquire data beyond the memory size. AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value |
21920 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21921 |
The value of AiStartLevel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21922 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
21923 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21930 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21940 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21941 |
The value of AiStopLevel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21942 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
21943 |
The value of AiDirection is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21950 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21960 |
The value of AiTransferMode is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21980 |
The value of DataNumber is outside the designated range of the device being used |
21981 |
Failed in the lock of the memory |
21982 |
Failed in allocation of temporary memory |
21984 |
BusMaster parameter error |
22040 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22041 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
22042 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
22043 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22044 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22050 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22060 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22061 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
22062 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
22063 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22064 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22070 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22080 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22081 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
22082 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
22083 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22084 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22085 |
A driver inner error occurred |
22090 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22100 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22101 |
Data to establish in the 12 bits device are within the range of 0 to 4095 |
22102 |
Data to establish in the 16 bits device are within the range of 0 to 65535 |
22103 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22104 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22105 |
A driver inner error occurred |
22110 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22120 |
The value of AiTransferTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22140 |
It failed in the acquisition of the transfer times |
22160 |
It failed in the acquisition of the replacement times |
22200 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22201 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22202 |
The value of Data is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22220 |
The value of Range is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22221 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22222 |
It failed to load the calibration data |
22223 |
A driver inner error occurred |
22240 |
The value of AiScanClock is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22241 |
A driver inner error occurred |
22270 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22271 |
The value of Level1 or Level2 is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22272 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22273 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22280 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22290 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22291 |
The value of Level1 or Level2 is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22292 |
A resolution can't be acquired |
22293 |
The value of StateTimes is outside the designated range of the device being used |
22300 |
The value of AiChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23000 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23001 |
DA conversion error occurred |
23002 |
Specify data to establish in AoData in the range of 0 to 4095 |
23003 |
Specify data to establish in AoData in the range of 0 to 65535 |
23020 |
DA conversion error occurred |
23021 |
The number of conversion channels was exceeded. It is converted on the maximum channels |
23022 |
Specify data to establish in AoData in the range of 0 to 4095 |
23023 |
Specify data to establish in AoData in the range of 0 to 65535 |
23060 |
It is converted on the maximum channel because it exceeds the number of maximum channels of the device |
23100 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23101 |
The value of AoRange is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23102 |
It failed in the setting of the range |
23120 |
The value of AoRange is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23121 |
It failed in the setting of the range |
23140 |
The value of AoMemoryType is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23161 |
Repeat function is only available when using RING memory |
23180 |
The value of AoClockType is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23200 |
The value of AoSamplingClock is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23220 |
Output data exceed memory capacity |
23221 |
Failed in the allocation of the memory |
23240 |
The value of AoStartTrigger is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23260 |
The value of AoStopTrigger is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23320 |
Data aren't established, or memory can't be secured |
23321 |
Data aren't established |
23326 |
A user buffer isn't set up |
23500 |
The value of AoChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23501 |
DA conversion error occurred |
23520 |
DA conversion error occurred |
23521 |
The number of conversion channels was exceeded. It is converted on the maximum channels |
23540 |
Output data exceed memory capacity |
23541 |
Virtual memory cannot be allocated |
23580 |
The value of AoTransferMode is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23600 |
The value of DataNumber is outside the designated range of the device being used |
23601 |
Failed in the lock of the memory |
23602 |
Failed in allocation of temporary memory |
23741 |
The value of Type is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24000 |
The value of DiBit is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24010 |
The value of DiPort is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24020 |
The value of DoBit is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24030 |
The value of DoPort is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24040 |
The value of Bit is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24041 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the device being used |
24050 |
The value of Bit is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25000 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25002 |
Operation mode 'preset count value load' is not enable |
25003 |
Operation mode 'Comparison count value load' is not enable |
25010 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25020 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25021 |
The value of PresetNumber is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25040 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25041 |
The value of ComparisonNumber is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25060 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25061 |
The value of CntClockType is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25070 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25080 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25090 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25100 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25120 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25121 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25122 |
The value of Value is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25123 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25130 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25131 |
The value of Signal is outside the designated range of the function |
25140 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25160 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25180 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25181 |
The value of Preset is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25200 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25220 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
25240 |
The value of CntChannel is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26000 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26010 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26020 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26040 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26060 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26080 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26100 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26120 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26140 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
26160 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
27000 |
The value of Destination is outside the designated range of the device being used |
27001 |
The value of Source is outside the designated range of the device being used |
27002 |
An invalid connection |
27010 |
The value of Destination is outside the designated range of the device being used |
28000 |
Invalid mode setting |
28001 |
Channel number is out of range |
28010 |
Number of channels is out of range |
28011 |
Counter value is out of range |
28012 |
Compare register number is out of range |
28020 |
Timer value is out of range |
28021 |
The output logic of the control output signal is out of range |
28022 |
The kind of hardware event is out of range |
28030 |
The coefficient of one-shot pulse width is out of range |
28031 |
The input logic of control input signal is out of range |
28032 |
The output data is out of range |
29000 |
Access error |
29001 |
Access violation |
29002 |
Area error |
29003 |
Access size error |
29004 |
Parameter error |
29005 |
Length error |
29006 |
Insufficient resources |
29016 |
Communications timeout |
29017 |
Handle error |
29018 |
Close error |
29064 |
Wireless communications timeout |
29065 |
Not Device |
The others |
Reserved error code
which isn't being used at present |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Normal completed |
1 |
Invalid resource reference specified. Please confirm whether the used device has been registered in Device Manager normally. |
2 |
Invalid interrupt routine registered. Please confirm whether the IRQ duplicates with another device. |
3 |
Invalid memory allocated. This error would hardly occur. If this error occurred, please extend the memory. |
4 |
Invalid registry access. Please confirm whether the setting is available
in property page. |
7 |
Execute DioResetDevice function because the device has recovered from standby mode. |
8 |
Because the Cdio.sys file is not found, it is not possible to initialize it. |
9 |
Because version information on the Cdio.dll file cannot be acquired, it is not possible to initialize it. |
10 |
Because version information on the Cdio.sys file cannot be acquired, it is not possible to initialize it. |
11 |
Because version information on Cdio.dll and Cdio.sys is different, it is not possible to initialize it. |
10000 |
Invalid device name specified. Please confirm the property page settings. |
10001 |
Invalid ID specified. Please confirm whether the initialization function
has completed normally. |
10002 |
Not call the driver (Failure on DEVICE I/O CONTROL). Please confirm whether the initialization function
has completed normally. |
10003 |
Not create the file (Failure on CreateFile). Please confirm whether the device driver can activate
normally using Device Manager. |
10004 |
Not close the file (Failure on CloseFile). It is possible that you have executed the termination
processing for the device which was not initialized. |
10005 |
Not create the thread (Failure on CreateThread). This error would hardly occur. If this error occurred, please confirm the number of threads activated by the application. |
10050 |
Invalid device information specified. Please check the spell. Please confirm the device name used in the application and the device name set in Device Manager. |
10051 |
Not find the available device. Please confirm whether the device has been registered in Device Manager. |
10052 |
Specified device information type beyond the limit. Error occurred in the information acquisition function. Please confirm the parameters. |
10100 |
Invalid data buffer address. The buffer address is NULL(0). Please confirm the source code of the application. |
10200 |
Window handle beyond the limit. Error occurred in message notification function. It is possible that the window handle is invalid when the function is executing. Please adjust the timing for calling the function. |
10300 |
Trigger kind beyond the limit. It is an error in the parameters of the trigger function. Please use the definition values. |
20000 |
Not secure memory. |
20001 |
This board couldn't use this function. Errors will occur when an input function is executed on a device without input port, or an output function or an echo back function is executed on a device without output port. |
20002 |
Board is behaving, not execute. When a device is accessed in the background, then the error will occur as the processing in the foreground cannot be executed. |
20003 |
Other process is using the device, not execute. Please confirm the restrictions on using more than
one process. |
20004 |
Process information is not found. |
20020 |
The last data packet received from end point has CRC error. |
20021 |
The last data packet received from end point has bit stuffing violation error. |
20022 |
The last data packet received from end point has data toggle packet that does not match the expected value. |
20023 |
End point return STALL packet identifier. |
20024 |
Device don't respond to token(IN) ,don't support handshake. |
20025 |
Device don't respond to token(IN) ,don't support handshake. |
20026 |
Invalid packet identifier received. |
20027 |
End point return data quantity overrun. |
20028 |
End point return data quantity underrun. |
20029 |
IN transmit specified buffer overrun. |
20030 |
OUT transmit specified buffer underrun. |
20031 |
End point status is STALL, not transmit. |
20032 |
Not found device information. |
20100 |
Port No. beyond the limit. Please confirm the number of I/O ports of the device and the parameters being used by the program. |
20101 |
Port number beyond the limit. The available maximum number of I/O ports is 256. |
20102 |
Bit No. beyond the limit. Please confirm the number of I/O bits of the device and the parameters being used by the program. |
20103 |
Bit number beyond the limit. The available maximum number of I/O bits is 256. |
20104 |
Bit data beyond the limit of 0 to 1. It is an error in bit output. Please confirm the parameters being used by the program. |
20105 |
Channel No. is outside the setting range. |
20106 |
Channel number is outside the setting range. |
20200 |
Interrupt bit beyond the limit. For USB device, only the first four bits of a module can use interrupt. |
20201 |
Interrupt logic beyond the limit. The interrupt logic is either rising edge or falling edge. Please use the definition values. |
20300 |
Timer value beyond the limit. |
20400 |
Filter number beyond the limit. |
20500 |
Direction value is out of range. |
20600 |
8255 chip number is outside of the range. |
20700 |
Count edge is outside the setting range. |
20800 |
Comparision register No. is outside the setting range. |
20801 |
Comparision register value is outside the setting range. |
20810 |
Count value is outside the setting range. |
21000 |
Signal is outside the setting range. |
21001 |
Start conditions are outside the setting range. |
21002 |
Clock conditions are outside the setting range. |
21003 |
Clock value is outside the setting range. |
21004 |
Clock value unit is outside the setting range. |
21005 |
Stop conditions are outside the setting range. |
21006 |
Stop number is outside the setting range. |
21007 |
Contents of reset are outside the setting range. |
21008 |
Data number is outside the setting range. |
21009 |
Buffer repetition use setup is outside the setting range. |
21010 |
Data transmission number is outside the setting range. |
21100 |
Buffer was too large and has not secured. Because the buffer size is too large, it is not possible to set it to the board. Please reduce the buffer size. |
21101 |
Memory has not been locked. Please extend the mounting memory or reduce buffer size. |
21102 |
Parameter error. One of the function parameters is out of the available range. Please confirm the values of the parameters. |
21103 |
Procedure error of execution. The execution procedure of the function is wrong. When the bus master transfer starts without setting the buffer, or the buffer is set during bus master transfer, or the general-purpose I/O function is called during bus master transfer, the error will occur. Please review the program referring to the sample. |
22000 |
Access error. |
22001 |
Access right violation. |
22002 |
Area error. |
22003 |
Access size error. |
22004 |
Parameter error. |
22005 |
Length error. |
22006 |
Resource insufficient. |
22016 |
Communication timeout occurred. |
22017 |
Handle error. |
22018 |
Close error. |
22064 |
Wireless communication timeout occurred. |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Normality completion |
1 |
Failed in the acquisition of the resource. |
2 |
Failed in the registration of the interruption routine. |
3 |
Failed in the allocation of the memory. Please extend the memory. |
4 |
Failed in the access of registry. Please make sure if the
property pages can be set. |
7 |
Execute the function CntResetDevice to return from the standby mode. |
8 |
Because the ccnt.sys file is not found, it is not possible to initialize it. |
9 |
Because the version information on the ccnt.dll file cannot be retrieved, it is not possible to initialize it. |
10 |
Because the version information on the ccnt.sys file cannot be retrieved, it is not possible to initialize it. |
11 |
Because the version information of ccnt.dll is not corresponding to the version information of ccnt.sys, it is not possible to initialize it. |
10000 |
The device name which wasn't registered by a device manager was specified. Please make sure about the settings of property pages. |
10001 |
Invalid ID was specified. Please make sure if the initialization function could complete normally. And make sure about the scope of variable containing ID. |
10002 |
CNT driver can't be called (Failed in the device I/O control). Please make sure if the initialization function could complete normally. And make sure about the scope of variable containing ID. |
10003 |
Failed in the creation of the file (Failed in CreateFile). Please use the device manager to make sure if the device driver could activate normally. When the device driver cannot activate normally, please delete the device and reinstall it. |
10004 |
Failed in the closing of the file (Failed in CloseFile). It is possible that you have executed the exit processing of the device which wasn't initialized. Even if the error is ignored, you needn't to mind it. |
10005 |
Failed in the creation of the thread (Failed in CreateThread). This error would hardly occur. If this error occurred, please make sure about the number of threads activated by the application. |
10050 |
The specified device name is not found. Please check spelling. Please make sure of the device name used in the application and the device name set in the device manager. |
10051 |
No more device. Please make sure that the device was registered in the device manager. |
10052 |
Information type is invalid. Error occurred in the information acquisition functions. Please make sure about the parameters. |
10100 |
Invalid mode setting. Please set mode to the defined value. |
10101 |
Invalid data buffer address. The buffer address is NULL(0). Please make sure of the application's source code. |
10200 |
Window handle is invalid. Error occurred in the message notice function. It is possible that the window handle is not valid when the function is executing. adjust the timing for function calling. |
20000 |
It failed in memory allocation for the object preparation. This error would hardly occur. If this error occurred, please extend the memory. |
20001 |
This function can't be used by this device. |
20002 |
Cannot use while by another device works. When the device is accessing in background and a foreground processing is executed, the error occurs. |
20003 |
Cannot use because another process is using the device. Please make sure of the restrictions when using multiple processes. The number of available processes varies depending on the device used. |
20030 |
OUT transmit specified buffer underrun. |
20031 |
The status of the endpoint is STALL, transfer failed. |
20032 |
When doing OUT transfer, the specified buffer cannot store all the data transferred to the device. |
20033 |
The access to hardware was refused. |
20034 |
The specified handle is invalid. |
20100 |
Invalid mode setting. The selected mode on the specified device is can't be used. Please refer to the device's manual. |
20201 |
Channel number is out of range. Please make sure about the channel number. |
20202 |
Number of channels is out of range. Please make sure about the number of channels. |
20203 |
Counter value is out of range. |
20204 |
Compare register number is out of range. |
20300 |
Timer value is out of range. |
20301 |
The output logic of the control output signal is out of range. |
20302 |
The kind of hardware event is out of range. |
20303 |
The coefficient of one-shot pulse width is out of range. |
20304 |
The input logic of control input signal is out of range. |
20305 |
The output data is out of range. |
22000 |
>Access error. |
22001 |
Access right violation. |
22002 |
Area error. |
22003 |
Access size error. |
22004 |
Parameter error. |
22005 |
Length error. |
22006 |
Resource insufficient. |
22016 |
Communication timeout occurred. |
22017 |
Handle error. |
22018 |
Close error. |
Value |
Description |
500001 |
The method on an unconfigured device has been called. Check the device settings. |
500002 |
The method was called that the device does not support. |
500003 |
An error occurred while operating in Continuous mode. Check the ContinuousError property. |
510001 |
The input parameter is invalid. Check the parameter contents. |
510002 |
The output data is invalid. Check the output data contents. |
520001 |
Failed to input / output the file. Check the file path and file name. |
520002 |
The format of the file is invalid. |
530001 |
The event queue overflowed due to a timer processing delay. Please adjust the timing cycle and the number of data linkages. |
530002 |
The buffer has overflowed. |
599999 |
Other errors. Please check the error category and parameters. |