Stops continuous mode.
ret = dncDaq01.ContinuousModeStop(DeviceNo, Direction, ContinuousModeNo)
DeviceNo [ C#: short ] [ VB.NET: Short ]
Specifies the device No. managed by DncDaq.
Direction [ C#: short ] [ VB.NET: Short ]
Specifies the input/output direction.
Value |
Description |
0 |
Input |
ContinuousModeNo [ C#: out short ] [ VB.NET: Short ]
Specifies the address of the variable that stores the executed continuous No..
When the input is selected in Direction, the sampling No. the sampling setting is stored.
Return value
Ret [ C#: int ] [ VB.NET: Integer ]
Value |
Description |
0 |
Normality completion |
500001 |
The method on an unconfigured device has been called. Check the device settings. |
500002 |
The method was called that the device does not support. |
510001 |
The input parameter is invalid. Check the parameter contents. |
■AIO Devices
Value |
Description |
11480 |
A driver internal error has occurred |
11481 |
A driver internal error has occurred |
11482 |
A driver internal error has occurred |
11483 |
A driver internal error has occurred |
20003 |
Cannot run because another process is using the device |
Other errors (see: Error code details)
Stops continuous mode of input or output.
Stops continuous mode of input.
C# |
int Ret;
Dim Ret As Integer