We provide the basic usage and skill in the sample programs.
Because the sample programs are made as simply as possible, you need to
make good use of these for programming.
In addition, the following devices are used in the creation of this sample program.
If you use a different device, please set DncDaq again.
AIO Sample: AIO-163202F-PE
DIO Sample: DIO-32DM2-PE
CNT Sample: CNT-3208M-PE
■Installation folder name
■Folder structure
├Vcs2015 … Visual C# Sample Folder
└Vb2015 … Visual Basic.Net Sample Folder
・In the folder of each language above, sample programs are stored in the following configuration.
Each language sample folder
├─AioFunction … Analog input function samples
│ ├─ContinuousInput … Samples using the sampling function
│ │ ├─ContinuousInput_DataSet …… Analog Sampling Sample (DataSet Linkage)
│ │ └─ContinuousInput_Graph_WriteFile …… Analog Sampling Sample (Graph, WriteFile Linkage)
│ │ └─ContinuousInput_FFT ……Analog Sampling Sample (FFT Linkage)
│ │
│ ├─SimpleInput … Samples using the simple input function
│ │ ├─SimpleInput_MultiChannel_Button …… Multiple Channels Simple Input Sample (Button Linkage)
│ │ ├─SimpleInput_MultiChannel_Method …… Multiple Channels Simple Input Sample (Method Linkage)
│ │ ├─SimpleInput_MultiChannel_Timer …… Multiple Channels Simple Input Sample (Timer Linkage)
│ │ ├─SimpleInput_SingleChannel_Button …… Specified Channel Simple Input Sample (Button Linkage)
│ │ ├─SimpleInput_SingleChannel_Method …… Specified Channel Simple Input Sample (Method Linkage)
│ │ └─SimpleInput_SingleChannel_Timer …… Specified Channel Simple Input Sample (Timer Linkage)
│ │
│ └─SimpleOutput … Samples using the simple output function
│ ├─SimpleOutput_MultiChannel_Button …… Multiple Channels Simple Output Sample (Button Linkage)
│ └─SimpleOutput_SingleChannel_Button …… Specified Channel Simple Output Sample (Button Linkage)
├─DioFunction … Digital input/output function samples
| ├─EdgeCount …… Edge Detection Sample
| └─SimpleIO …… Digital I/O Sample
├─CntFunction … Counter input function samples
| └─Counter …… Counter Sample
└─DisplayAndOperation … Display operation samples