To all of the users

Before using a device, it is necessary to install the device driver first. Without doing it right, the device can not work by using diagnosis program and samples etc.
Please install a device driver referring to the HELP topic Installing Device Driver.

To users who want to confirm device operation at once

To confirm the operation of a device at once, please use diagnosis program and execution files of sample programs.

To users who program for the first time

The tutorial is used to understand programming flow for users who program for the fist time. The tutorial is divided according to the use of devices.
Moreover, a lot of sample programs are supplied corresponding to each language. You can understand API-TOOL(WDM) further from looking over the source code of sample programs together with the tutorial.

Please use the glossary when you do not understand the meaning of words and phrases in the HELP. The explanation of terms used in the help such as concept and meaning has been described in the glossary.

To users who program for higher performance

The specifications of all functions is described in HELP topic and function reference in detail. Moreover, the supplied sample programs gather methods which are often used generally. It is also an effective method to use these samples with customization.