Set the forced termination key to forcibly terminate sending and receiving.
It is possible to enable / disable forced termination and change the key to execute forced termination.
Ret = GpibSetEscape( Id, Enable, KeyType, KeyCode)
Id [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]
Specifies DevID or EqpID.
Whichever it specifies, operation does not change.
Enable [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]
Sets enable or disable forced termination key.
0 |
Disable |
Other than 0 |
Enable |
KeyType [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]
Sets the key to execute forced termination.
Value |
Description |
Value |
Description |
Value |
Description |
-1 |
Use KeyCode |
4 |
F4 |
9 |
F9 |
0 |
5 |
F5 |
10 |
F10 |
1 |
F1 |
6 |
F6 |
11 |
F11 |
2 |
F2 |
7 |
F7 |
12 |
F12 |
3 |
F3 |
8 |
F8 |
KeyCode [ VB.NET: Integer ][ C, C++: long ][ C#: int ]
Sets the virtual key code.
(Enabled only when KeyType = -1.)
Return Value
Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ][ C, C++: long ][ C#: int ]
0 |
Normality completion |
10001 |
Invalid ID was specified |
11603 |
The KeyType is out of specifiable range. |
Initial Value
Enable |
1 |
Enable |
KeyType |
0 |
Disables forced termination.
C |
short Enable, KeyType; long KeyCode; Enable = 0; KeyType = 0; KeyCode = 0;
Ret = GpibSetEscape( Id, Enable, KeyType, KeyCode) |