

Sets response line of parallel poll of partner apparatus.


Ret = GpibSetPPoll (  Id, AddrArray, DataLineArray, PolarityArray )


Id [ VB.NET: Short ][ C, C++: short ][ C#: short ]

Specifies DevID or EqpID.

Whichever it specifies, operation does not change.


AddrArray [ VB.NET: Short() ][ C, C++: short * ][ C#: short[] ]

Sets addresses of slave devices to be Parallel Polled by array. (the Max. of device is 31)


0 to 30

Address of slave device


Must be used at last of array

iPerforms OR operation of the value from 96 to 126(60H to 7EH ) and high-order bits of primary address when secondary address is being usedj

DataLineArray [ VB.NET: Short() ][ C, C++: short * ][ C#: short[] ]

Sets DIO response line of corresponding device.

Up to 8 devices can be identified at same time because that DIO line is 8-bit width.

furthermore, more than 8 devices can be identified as multi-devices are allotted on same bit.


1 to 8

DIO line number


Must be used at last of array


PolarityArray [ VB.NET: Short() ][ C, C++: short * ][ C#: short[] ]

Retrieves corresponding polarity of the device.



Out of phase




Must be used at last of array

Return Value

Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ][ C, C++: long ][ C#: int ]



Normality completion


Invalid ID was specified


Driver can not be called


The element of AddrArray is being set out of range, or the number of elements are more than 32


The element of DataLineArray is being set out of range


The element of PolarityArray is being set out of range


Pointer to AddrArray is NULL


Pointer to DataLineArray is NULL


Pointer to PolarityArray is NULL


When device is used as slave (non-controller),  functions for master (controller) are execute


The number of AddrArray is different from other array

Initial Value



Not being set



Not being set



Not being set




Performs following settings. The device with primary address 1 responds on DIO line 1 in phase, the device with primary address 2 responds on DIO line 2 inphase, the device with primary address 3 responds on DIO line 3 out of phase, and the device with primary address 4 responds on DIO line 4 out of phase.


short AddrArray[9], DataLineArray[9], PolarityArray[9];

AddrArray[0] = 1;

DataLineArray[0] = 1;

PolarityArray[0] = 1;

AddrArray[1] = 2;

DataLineArray[1] = 2;

PolarityArray[1] = 1;

AddrArray[2] = 3;

DataLineArray[2] = 3;

PolarityArray[2] = 0;

AddrArray[3] = 4;

DataLineArray[3] = 4;

PolarityArray[3] = 0;

AddrArray[4] = -1;

DataLineArray[4] = -1;

PolarityArray[4] = -1;

Ret = GpibSetPPoll ( Id, AddrArray, DataLineArray, PolarityArray );

Performs following settings. The device with primary address 1 and secondary address 96(60H) responds on DIO line 1 in phase, the device with primary address 2 and secondary address 126(7EH) responds on DIO line 2 in phase, the device with primary address 3 and secondary address 96(60H) responds on DIO line 3 out of phase, and the device with primary address 4 and secondary address 126(7EH) responds on DIO line 4 out of phase.


short Talker, ListenerArray[255];

Talker = 0 + 0x6000;

ListenerArray[0] = 1;

ListenerArray[1] = 2 + 0x7e00;

short AddrArray[9], DataLineArray[9], PolarityArray[9];

AddrArray[0] = 1 + 0x6000;

DataLineArray[0] = 1;

PolarityArray[0] = 1;

AddrArray[1] = 2 + 0x7e00;

DataLineArray[1] = 2;

PolarityArray[1] = 1;

AddrArray[2] = 3 + 0x6000;

DataLineArray[2] = 3;

PolarityArray[2] = 0;

AddrArray[3] = 4 + 0x7e00;

DataLineArray[3] = 4;

PolarityArray[3] = 0;

AddrArray[4] = -1;

DataLineArray[4] = -1;

PolarityArray[4] = -1;

Ret = GpibSetPPoll ( Id, AddrArray, DataLineArray, PolarityArray );

See Also

GpibGetPPoll, GpibPPoll, GpibResetPPoll