Pulse for Input / Output Signal Inspection

[Pulse for Input / Output Screen] has the following GUI (Graphical User Interface).
The screen displays the pulse output signal and encoder input signal.

■ Signals for Pulse out

Set the target speed in [Pulse speed]. Next, specify the direction of rotation. Press the [CW] button to rotate in the CW (clockwise) direction. Press the [CCW] button to rotate in the CCW (counterclockwise) direction. By pressing each button, pulse output starts. To stop the pulse output, press the [STOP] button.
The number of output pulses is displayed in [Count of Output pulse]. If it is rotating in the CW direction, the count will be added. If it is rotating in the CCW direction, the count will be subtracted.

■ Signals for Encoder

The number of count pulses from the encoder is displayed in [Count of Encoder].

If a limit signal is input, no pulse output will be performed. Click the [Back (B)] button to check the limit input signal. If the pulse output is successful, click the [Exit] button.
If the signal is not normal, check the wiring.


Control Signals for Input / Output screen