

  1. Main Setting

  2. In/Out Setting

  3. Logic Setting

  4. ORG Setting

  5. ERC/ALM Clear Setting

  6. LTC/CLR Setting


1.Main Setting

-Use function

Initialization function( SmcWSetPulseType SmcWSetEncType )


It initializes it by using the initialization function.

-Operation method

The set axis is selected with the device name and AxisNo (axis number).

PulseOut(setting of output pulse)

PulseType(The pulse output mode is set. )SmcWSetPulseType function

The PulseType is displayed by the sort order of parameter: PulseMode.

Common pulse method OUT: Negative logic, DIR+: High, DIR-: Low

Common pulse method OUT: Positive logic,  DIR+: High, DIR-: Low

Common pulse method OUT: Negative logic, DIR+: Low, DIR-: High

Common pulse method OUT: Positive logic,  DIR+: Low, DIR-: High

2-pulse mode: Negative logic

2-pulse mode: Positive logic

Phase difference mode of 90 degrees OUT:Leading,DIR:Trailing

Phase difference mode of 90 degrees OUT:Trailing,DIR:Leading

Reverse Direction Timer ON

The weight (delay) at 200 microseconds is inserted before the pulse is output when the direction changes by the change in the DIR change when the common pulse method is set.(It is effective only for the common pulse method. )

S Accel/Decel Use

PulseIn(Setting of encoder input pulse)

Encoder Type(encoder type) SmcWSetEncType function

A/B two-phase input 1 times

A/B two-phase input 2 times

A/B two-phase input 4 times

U/D single-phase input 1 times

The return value is displayed in the comment, and execute it again, please after confirming the content of the error and the correspondence when the setting is not effective.

Please push [Set] when you reflect the setting in the device.

Please push [Status] when you check the completion of initialization .

Please push [EXIT] when you end this program.

2.In/Out Setting

-Use function

Initialization function( SmcWSetCtrlTypeOut SmcWSetCtrlTypeIn SmcWSetInFilterType SmcWSetSDMode )


The I/O of the output three points and the input seven points is set.

-Operation method

OUT Setting SmcWSetCtrlTypeOut function

General-Purpose output

Alarm Clear

Counter Clear (ERC)

OutPulse Count Match(CP1)

Encoder Count Match(CP2)

Hold OFF

IN Setting SmcWSetCtrlTypeIn function

General-Purpose input


INP(Servo driver's positioning completion signal input)

SD(Slow down)

LTC signal(The latch does COUNTER1-2.)

PCS signal(The positioning operation of this signal input begins.)

CLR(Counter clear)

In Filter(LIM, SD, ORG, ALM, INP, The input filter is set.)

SmcWSetInFilterType function






SD Mode(Slow down mode) SmcWSetSDMode function

Deceleration stop

Only the deceleration(to beginning speed)

Please push [Return] when the setting is completed. It returns to the Setting screen.

3.Logic Setting

-Use function

Initialization function( SmcWSetCtrlInOutLog )


The logic of the I/O signal (positive logic/negative-true logic) is set by using the initialization function.

-Operation method

OutLogic SmcWSetCtrlInOutLog function

High Active(positive logic)

Low Active(negative-true logic)

In Logic SmcWSetCtrlInOutLog function

High Active(positive logic)

Low Active(negative-true logic)

Limit Logic SmcWSetCtrlInOutLog function

High Active(positive logic)

Low Active(negative-true logic)

Please push [Return] when the setting is completed. It returns to the Setting screen.

4.ORG Setting

-Use function

Initialization function( SmcWSetOrgMode SmcWSetOrgLog )


The starting point resume operation is set by using the initialization function.

-Operation method

ORG Type SmcWSetOrgMode function


Z Count(Range 1-16 of setting)

EndDirType(The direction where it is rushed into that the starting point returns the starting point is set. )

Disable(doesn't specify it)

Plus Dir(Positive direction)

Minus Dir(Negative direction)

ORG Logic

SmcWSetOrgLog function

Positive logic/negative-true logic of the ORG signal is set.

Positive logic/Rising edge-Falling edge logic of Z signal is set.

LimitTurn Use SmcWSetOrgMode function

The limit doesn't reverse.

The limit reverses.

Please push [Return] when the setting is completed. It returns to the Setting screen.

5.ERC/ALM Clear Setting

-Use function

Initialization function ( SmcWSetErcAlmClearTime SmcWSetErcMode )


The width etc. of a clear signal are set by using the initialization function.

-Operation method

Counter Clear(ERC)

Stop by LIM and ALM input

0 : When stopping by LIM and the ALM signal input, the ERC signal is not output.

1 : When stopping by LIM and the ALM signal input, the ERC signal is output.

ORG motion end

0 : When the starting point resume operation is completed, the ERC signal is not output.

1 : When the starting point resume operation is completed, the ERC signal is output.

Counter Clear Time(The width of a deflection counter clear signal is set. )








Level output

Counter Off Timer(The time of deflection counter clear signal OFF timer is set. )





Alarm Clear Time(The width of an alarm clear signal is set. )








Please push [Return] when the setting is completed. It returns to the Setting screen.


-Use function

Initialization function


A clear latch is set by using the initialization function.

-Operation method


-Clear Counter

No Clear

Out Pulse

Encoder Pulse

Out & Encoder Pulse

-Latch Counter

No Use

Out Pulse

Encoder Pulse

Out & Encoder Pulse


-Clera Counter

No CLear

Out Pulse

Encoder Pulse

Out & Encoder Pulse


No Use

Please push [Return] when the setting is completed. It returns to the Setting screen.