

Sets the behavior of the soft limit.


Ret = SmcWSetSoftLimit( Id, AxisNo, PLimMode, MLimMode, PLimCount, MLimCount )


Id [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
SSpecify the Deice ID retrieved by SmcWInit function.

AxisNo [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Specify the axis number.

PLimMode [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Set the valid/invalid the soft limit of the [+](CW) Side.


Invalidate the [+] Side soft limit


Validate the [+] Side soft limit

MLimMode [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Set the valid/invalid the soft limit of the [-](CCW) Side.


Invalidate the [-] Side soft limit


Validate the [-] Side soft limit

PLimCount [ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++: long ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]
Set the number of [+] Side soft limit.
Range : -34217728 to 134217727

MLimCount [ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++: long ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]
Set the number of [-] Side soft limit.
Range : -34217728 to 134217727

Return Value

Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++: long ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]


Terminated normally


Terminated abnormally

See also: Error code details

Initial Value


0 : Invalidate the [+] Side soft limit


0 : Invalidate the [-] Side soft limit






This function cannot be executed when the device is in operation.

It is not possible to use it with SMC-2/4/8DL series.

For the CW, "PLimCount + 1" stops at the value. Can not operate over PLimCount value.
For the CCW, "MLimCount - 1" stops at the value. Can not operate below MLimCount value.

The limitations, count match events, and can be used either one or the soft limit.
If you perform this function as an effective soft limit, it overrides the setting of the event count match.
After running this function if you use the event count match again, in this function, +/- side set to disable the soft limit, run SmcWSetInitParam.
Then enable matching events counted by SmcWCountEvent.
In this case, the software limit is invalid.

After "Initial Setting function" is executed, it is necessary to execute SmcWSetInitParam.
Refer to "About Initial Setting function".


Information on the behavior of soft limit of axis number 1 is set.

Dim Ret As Integer
Dim PLimMode As Short
Dim MLimMode As Short
Dim PLimCount As Integer
Dim MLimCount As Integer
PLimMode = 1
MLimMode = 1
PLimCount = 1000
MLimCount = -1000
Ret = SmcWSetSoftLimit( Id , 1, PLimMode , MLimMode , PLimCount , MLimCount )

C, C++
long Ret;
short PLimMode = 1;
short MLimMode = 1;
long PLimCount = 1000;
long MLimCount = -1000;
Ret = SmcWSetSoftLimit( Id , 1, PLimMode , MLimMode , PLimCount , MLimCount );

int Ret;
short PLimMode = 1;
short MLimMode = 1;
int PLimCount = 1000;
int MLimCount = -1000;
Ret = Smc.WSetSoftLimit( Id , 1, PLimMode , MLimMode , PLimCount , MLimCount );

Ret = ctypes.c_long()
PLimMode = ctypes.c_short(1)
MLimMode = ctypes.c_short(1)
PLimCount = ctypes.c_long(1000)
MLimCount = ctypes.c_long(-1000)
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWSetSoftLimit( Id , 1, PLimMode , MLimMode , PLimCount , MLimCount )

See Also
