Using More Than One Board at the Same Time

This driver software supports Up to 4 boards being used at the same time regardless of the board types.

When more than one board are used, it is required to specify the board number at the end of function name.


Ex.) When using two pieces of boards

(The first board)

GpIni( )   The first board just uses it.

(The second board)

     GpIni2( )   For the second board, appends 2 to the GpIni function.

The first and second mentioned here is the sequence number (Driver No) set in Initial Setting of Software.



The relationship between DLL file and board number is shown below.

APIGPIB1.DLL   - The 1st board [uses Gpxxx( )]

APIGPIB2.DLL   - The 2nd board [uses Gpxxx2( )]

APIGPIB3.DLL   - The 3rd board [uses Gpxxx3( )]

APIGPIB4.DLL   - The 4th board [uses Gpxxx4( )]


For the necessary prototype and declaration for each language, please directly use GPIBAC.H (C language) and GPIBVB.BAS (Visual Basic) of samples, or copy the only necessary function declarations. These files are located in folders in which the samples are located.