
image\BLTLRGSQ.gifBoards that Support the Function image\SETUP.gif image\SANBTN.gif



image\head10.gif Operation             Contents of a change by the string change function (GpCnv***) are established.


image\head10.gif Format                 


Dim SfxFlag, Ret As Integer

Dim HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr As String

Ret = GpCnvSettings(HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr, SfxFlag)



DWORD SfxFlag, Ret;

char *HeaderStr, *UnitStr, *SepStr;

Ret = GpCnvSettings(HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr, SfxFlag);



uint SfxFlag, Ret;

string HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr;

Ret = gpib.CnvSettings(HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr, SfxFlag);



SfxFlag, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()

HeaderStr , UnitStr, SepStr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(xxxx), ctypes.create_string_buffer(xxxx), ctypes.create_string_buffer(xxxx) # (xxxx is the string length)

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpCnvSettings(HeaderStr, UnitStr, SepStr, SfxFlag)


image\head10.gif Mode                   Master mode / Slave mode


image\head10.gif Parameters          HeaderStr       : Header string

The string that it is equivalent to the header is specified.

Default is "" (NULL).

The string specified here has the next two effect.


<In the case of GpCnvStrTo*** Function and GpCnvStrTo***Array Function>

It is removed from the change object of the numerical value when there is a string which was looked up from the head of the string that the string set up here was given to it by a function to the front of the numerical value part and which corresponded. A capital letter, small letter is judged as the same one character.


<In the case of GpCnv***ToStr Function and GpCnv***ArrayToStr Function>

The string set up here is handled as a header, and added at the head (the front of the numerical value part) of the string. One space is between the temporary number parts at this time. As it was inputted, a capital letter, small letter is added.


UnitStr           : Unit string (Footter string)

The string which it wants to add in the unit or the end is specified. Default is "" (NULL). The string specified here has the next two effect.


<In the case of GpCnvStrTo*** Function and GpCnvStrTo***Array Function>

It is removed from the change object of the numerical value when there is a string which was looked up to the back of the numerical value part from the end of the string that the string set up here was given to it by a function and which corresponded. A capital letter, small letter is judged as the same one character.


<In the case of GpCnv***ToStr Function and GpCnv***ArrayToStr Function>

The string set up here is handled as Footer, and added at the end (the back of the numerical value part) of the string. One space is between the numerical value parts at this time. As it was inputted, a capital letter, small letter is added.

SepStr           : Separator string.

A string to judge in the string as Separator is specified. Default is "" (Comma). The string specified here has the next two effect.


<In the case of GpCnvStrTo***ArrayFunction>

The string given to it with the string set up here by a function is divided, and a change is done. A capital letter, small letter is judged as the same one character.


<In the case of GpCnv***ArrayToStr Function>

It is inserted between the string that the string set up here was handled as separator and which was changed, and the string. The space is not before and behind separator at this time. As it was inputted, a capital letter, small letter is added.

SfxFlag           : The/effect-less designation which coefficient suffix is effective in.

0 : It is invalid.

1 : It is effective.

When designation here is made effective, it has the next two effect.

<In the case of GpCnvStrTo*** Function and GpCnvStrTo***Array Function>

Coefficient suffix behind the temporary number part is judged, and considerable index number value is substituted.


<In the case of GpCnv***ToStr Function and GpCnv***ArrayToStr Function>

Coefficient suffix is substituted for a part to be equivalent in the index number part, and a string is made.

Refer to "the third chapter attached information" for the details about coefficient suffix.

Ret                :Return value

0 : Normal completion

(See "Return Values" for details.)


image\head10.gif Note                     1 There is a GpCnvSettingsToStr function which a setup influences only when it is changed into the numerical value string except for this function.

2  It can be used even if this function doesn't do GpIni().