ORG Setting

-Use function

 Initialization function( SmcWSetOrgMode SmcWSetOrgLog )



The starting point resume operation is set by using the initialization function.


-Operation method

• ORG Type SmcWSetOrgMode function


Z Count(Range 1-16 of setting)

EndDirType(The direction where it is rushed into that the starting point returns the starting point is set.)

Disable(doesn't specify it)

Plus Dir(Positive direction)

Minus Dir(Negative direction)


• ORG Logic SmcWSetOrgLog function

Positive logic/negative logic of the ORG signal is set.

Positive logic/negative logic of Z signal is set.


• LimitTurn Use SmcWSetOrgMode function

The limit doesn't reverse.

The limit reverses.


• To apply the settings to the device, click [q:Back] to return to the initial setting menu and execute [2:Set].