Reach of specified number of generating times

It turns ON when conversion data stored in memory reaches the number of generating times set by AioSetAoEventSamplingTimes function. If the number of sampling times set by AioSetAoEventSamplingTimes function is 0, this status will always remain OFF.

This status is turned OFF by AioResetAoMemory, AioStartAo, AioResetDevice function.

The operation varies slightly depending on the memory type.

In case of FIFO
In FIFO, conversion data existing in memory decreases when data is acquired.
This status is linked with the number of data in memory, and it changes to ON/OFF according to the conversion operation and data acquisition status.

In case of RING
In RING, conversion data in memory does not decrease even if data is acquired.
Therefore, once this status turns ON, it will not turn OFF until AioResetAoMemory, AioStartAo, AioResetDevice function is executed.