Visual Basic .NET (.NET8)

Create Project

Launch Visual Studio, select [New]-[Project] from [File] menu.
From the template of [Create a new project] dialog box, select [Windows Forms App] of [Visual Basic], click the [Next] button.
From the [Configure your new project] dialog box, specify the project name and the location of the project to be created, click the [Next] button.
From the [Additional information] dialog box, select [.NET 8.0(Long Term Support)], and click the [Create] button, then the project will be created.

* The above is for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit). Item names and commands may differ depending on the version of Visual Studio.


Include Header File

In order to use the functions of C-WaveformGenerator SDK in Visual Basic .NET, cgen_api.vb file is required.

Select [Project] from the menu bar of Visual Studio, and select [Add Existing Item] from the pull-down menu.
From the [Add Existing Item] dialog box, specify the cgen_api.vb file, click the [Add] button, then the header file is added to the project.

You can check whether the registered header file exists from the tree view in the [Solution Explorer] window of Visual Studio.

* The above is for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit). Item names and commands may differ depending on the version of Visual Studio.