Get the oscillation information.
Ret = GetOscilation (OscilationType, OscilationStart, OscilationStop, Arg1)
OscilationType [ VB.NET : Short ] [ C++ : short * ] [ C# : ref short ]
Return the oscillation type.
0 |
None |
1 |
Auto burst |
2 |
Trigger burst(rising edge) |
3 |
Trigger burst(falling edge) |
OscilationStart [ VB.NET : Short ] [ C++ : short * ] [ C# : out short ]
Return the number of oscillations used for conversion.
OscilationStop [ VB.NET : Single ] [ C++ : float * ] [ C# : out float ]
Return the stop wave number or stop time used for conversion.
Arg1 [ VB.NET : Short ] [ C++ : short * ] [ C# : out short ]
Specify the address of the reserved area. 0 is fixed (reserved)
Ret [ VB.NET : Integer ] [ C++ : long ] [ C# : int ]
Return Value |
Description |
0 |
Normal completed |
20006 |
Oscillation type is outside the settable range. |
The others (See also: Error Code List)
Get the oscillation information.
This function can be executed even if the device is in operation.
Get the oscillation type, oscillation count, and stop wave number or stop time.
Dim Ret As Long Dim OscilationType As Short Dim OscilationStart As Short Dim OscilationStop As Short Dim Arg As Short Ret = c_fgen.GetOscilation(OscilationType, OscilationStart, OscilationStop, Arg)
C++ |
long Ret; ICWaveformGeneratorPtr c_fgen; short OscilationType; short OscilationStart; float OscilationStop; short Arg; Ret = c_fgen->GetOscilation(&OscilationType, &OscilationStart, &OscilationStop, &Arg);
C# |
int Ret; short OscilationType = 0; short OscilationStart = 0; float OscilationStop = 0; short Arg = 0; Ret = c_fgen.GetOscilation(ref OscilationType, ref OscilationStart, ref OscilationStop, ref Arg);