Channel Settings: Basic mode

Setting items




The output channel No. is displayed.

 For Basic setting, CH0 is fixed.

- Multiple channels are supported in Advanced mode.

Amplitude / Vp-p

Specifies the output waveform amplitude.

"Amplitude" or "Vp-p" can be selected.

The input range is 0 to 20.

- Amplitude specifies the difference from the center of the waveform to the maximum displacement.

- Vp-p specifies the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the waveform.
  It is commonly called "Peak to Peak".

- Sinewave, Square: The signal rises and falls after half a period.
  Ramp: Gradually increases in value from minimum to maximum.


Specifies the center of the waveform.


Frequency / Period

Specifies the frequency of the output waveform.

"Frequency" or "Period" can be selected.

The input range is 0.1Hz to 10000Hz in "Frequency".
The input range is 0.0001sec to 10sec in "Period".

When specifying the frequency, the unit can be specified in Hz or kHz.
1kHz = 1,000Hz

When specifying the period, the unit can be specified in Sec or msec.
1sec = 1,000msec


Reference: Relationship between amplitude and Vpp

The figure below shows an amplitude = 10V, an offset of 0V, and a frequency of 1Hz.
This is the same waveform as Vp-p = 20V, offset 0V, period 1sec.