Simple sweep type

C-WaveformGenerator can perform the following four types of off-line sweep calculations, and can generate and output the waveforms after calculation as they are.
Setting examples for each sweep calculation and calculation are shown below.

[Frequency sweep]

Basic waveform: sine wave, amplitude: 8.000V, sweep time: 1 second (=10Hz x 10 times), range of change: start 1.0Hz, end 10Hz


[Amplitude sweep]

Basic waveform: sine wave, sweep time: 1 second (=10Hz x 10 times), range of change: start 1.000V end 10.000V


[DC offset sweep]

Basic waveform: sine wave, amplitude: 3.000V, sweep time: 1 second (=10Hz x 10 times), range of change: start -5.000V end 5.000V


[Duty ratio sweep]

Basic waveform: square wave, amplitude: 3.000 V, sweep time: 1 second (=10 Hz x 10 times), range of change: start 10% end 90%