Analog 1Ch Continuous Input (In-range start) [SamplingAiRange]

Sampling the voltage (or current) value input to Ch0 (the first input terminal) is performed.

When it is executed, it enters the trigger wait state, and sampling starts when the input signal falls within the specified range.

Front Panel


Block Diagram


Sample Explanation

In the initial state, it is set to start when the signal falls within the range of -1 to 1 (V).
In the initial state, sampling is performed 1000 times at a cycle of 1 millisecond (1000uSec), and the result is displayed on the chart.
If you want to terminate before the in-range condition is satisfied or during sampling, please press the [Stop] button.

Since the initial state is sampling of 1000 times with 1 millisecond cycle, signal change per second is displayed on the chart.

If you want to set the input method, you can add setting to [Channel setting].