③ DI Edge Detection []


Select to check the edge detection status of digital input



IN/OUT Terminal layout


Input terminal


Initial value: 0

Specify the bit which wants to detect the interrupt or trigger edge.



Initial value: False

Specify that the number of event occurrences is zero.
Invalid If not connected in the initial state, or specify the False


Output terminal


Return the direction of the last event that occurred.

0: No edge detected
1: Edge (rising) is detected
2: Edge (falling) is detected

If this VI is executed once with the edge detected, 0 is returned until the edge is detected again.
If both rising and falling edges were detected before running this VI, returns 1 or 2 depending on the last detected edge direction



Output the number of event occurrences.
When ClearCount is True, the edge detection count returns to 0 after executing this VI