② DO Generating []


Select to check the status of digital output generating



IN/OUT Terminal layout


Output terminal


Acquire the current sampling state in a four-element cluster

- Element 1: Event

Returns the notification status of whether the number of data specified by "DoEventTimes" of write VI has accumulated
Once this Boolean value is True and this VI is executed once, it will be False until the specified number of data is accumulated again
If "DoEventTimes" is not wired (0), notification will not be made, so it will always be False

- Element 2: EventCount

Returns the total number of notifications

- Element 3: GeneratingCount

Returns the number of output data

- Element 4: RepeatCount

Returns the current number of repeats (the number of repeated outputs)



Return generating stop notification status
Once this Boolean value is True and this VI is executed once, it becomes False until it is stopped again



Get the current generating status
It has the following meaning in hexadecimal notation bit unit





Start generating

Indicates that generating has started

When generating stops, this status will be 0


Generating stopped

Indicates that generating has ended

It becomes 0 at the start of the next generating


Trigger signal input

Indicates that the start signal was entered by external start

It becomes 0 at the start of the next generating



Indicates that the start signal has entered more than once by the external start

Please ignore unless there is a problem in the specification of the external connection signal

It becomes 0 at the start of the next generating

Example) When "DoGeneratingStatus" is "5H"
    "generating start" and "trigger signal input" are ON



Returns error status of generating
It has the following meaning in hexadecimal notation bit unit


Error status



Board memory empty

Indicates that the memory on the board has become empty. The main cause is that the system load is high and the bus master transfer can not be made in time. Measures such as lowering the transfer rate and lowering the load of the system are necessary.


Trigger error

Indicates that the start signal and the stop signal were simultaneously input by an external start. If this status is set, no transfer will be made.

Please confirm how to enter external start signal and external stop signal.


Clock error

Indicates that the next clock has entered while inputting with an external clock.

If this status is set, the generating cannot be done with the specified external clock. Consider lowering the cycle of the external clock.


Sync Slave error

Indicates that the forced stop was caused by the stop cause from the slave.

Check the error on the slave side.


Sync Master error

Indicates that the forced stop was caused by the stop factor from the master.

Check the error on the master side.