① DI Sampling []


Select to check the status of digital input sampling



IN/OUT Terminal layout


Output terminal


Acquire the current sampling state in a three-element cluster

- Element 1: Event

Returns the notification status of whether the number of data specified by "DiEventTimes" of sampling start VI has accumulated
Once this Boolean value is True and this VI is executed once, it will be False until the specified number of data is accumulated again
If "DiEventTimes" is not wired (0), notification will not be made, so it will always be False

- Element 2: EventCount

Returns the total number of notifications

- Element 3: SamplingCount

Returns the number of unacquired data accumulated in the sampling data buffer



Return sampling stop notification status
Once this Boolean value is True and this VI is executed once, it becomes False until it is stopped again



Return the retrieved status.
The status is defined as follows.





Start sampling

Indicates that PIO Input/Output has been started.

When sampling stops, this status will be 0


Sampling stopped

Indicates that PIO Input/Output has been stopped.

It becomes 0 at the start of the next sampling


Trigger signal input

Indicates that the external start signal has been received.

It becomes 0 at the start of the next sampling



Indicates that the external start signal has been received at least twice.

The transfer will continue without problems. Please ignore it if there is no problem in using the external connection signal.

It becomes 0 at the start of the next sampling

Example) When "DiSamplingStatus" is "5H", "sampling start" and "trigger signal input" are ON



Return the sampling error status.
The error status is defined as follows.


Error status



Board memory Overflow

Indicates that FIFO has been full. The main reason is that the overloaded system can not match to the bus master transfer. It is necessary to take measures such as lower the transfer rate and the system load.


Internal buffer Overflow

Indicates that the buffer is overflow. The number of data to be transferred exceeds the buffer size. Please enlarge the size of the buffer.


buffer Overflow

Indicates that the buffer allocated by DAQ-LV-WIN is overflow.

It is necessary to acquire data more frequently or to increase the DiSamplingBuffer of the sampling start VI.


Trigger error

Indicates that external start signal and external stop signal have been received at the same time.

Please confirm how to input external start signal and external stop signal.


Clock error

Indicates that the next clock entered while inputting by external clock.

When this status occurred, the sampling cannot be done by the specified sampling clock. Please try to lower the external clock period.

Please be aware that sampling will be done once sampling starts.

This error also occurs when an external clock is input at this sampling.


Sync Slave error

Indicates that sampling has been stopped by force by the stop factor from slave.

Please confirm the error on slave side.


Sync Master error

Indicates that sampling has been stopped by force by the stop factor from master.

Please confirm the error on master side.