⑤ DO Generating [write_do_gen.vi]


Select to perform digital continuous output (generating)



IN/OUT Terminal layout


Input terminal


Initial value: 0

Specify the number of data to write by the number of generations
For the initial value 0, the DoData array size is used, so there is no need to specify it normally



Initial value: 0

Specify the digital output data to be written in an array (1D array)

For example, if only output bits 0 and 7 are set to ON (1), the output data is binary 10001000, specified value will be 129 decimal



Initial value: 1

Specify the number of times to output the written array data

0  : Repeat indefinitely
1  : Does not output repeatedly (completely outputs array data and exits)
2 to : Outputs the specified number of times repeatedly

* When not connected in the initial state, it is the same as when 1 is specified, and output is not repeated



Initial value: 0

Specify the number of generating and get confirmation notification by the digital output "status" VI
You can receive notifications for each number specified in this setting with DoGeneratingCount of "status" VI

It can used for periodic processing of a certain number
If 0 (initial value) is specified, no notification is made

The number of digital input sampling notifications can be specified in the Start VI