⑮ Analog Input Waveform (Binary Value) []


Select when get the binary data of continuous analog input



Layout of IN/OUT terminal


IN terminal


Initial value: 1000

Specify the number of data to be read by the sampling times per 1 Ch

The sampling times is independent of the number of channels to be used
 For example, if 1000 samples are performed on 2 channels and 2000 data is acquired,

1000 is specified for AiSamplingTimes


OUT terminal


Acquires analog input data into array (1D array) with binary value
The data in the array is ordered by channel number

e.g.) Data array when 3 channels are sampled (numbers are channel No.)



Get the number of data that can actually be acquired (number of sampling per 1 Ch)

The OUT terminal name was changed in DAQ-LV-WIN Ver 1.10
Old terminal name: AiSamplingTimes out

New terminal name: AiDataNum
Please take attention when using from DAQ-LV-WIN Ver1.00, 1.01