⑭ Analog Input Waveform (Voltage/Current) []


Select when get the voltage/current data of continuous analog input



Layout of IN/OUT terminal


IN terminal


Initial value: 1000

Specify the number of data to be read by the sampling times per 1 Ch

The sampling times is independent of the number of channels to be used
 For example, if 1000 samples are performed on 2 channels and 2000 data is acquired,

1000 is specified for AiSamplingTimes


OUT terminal


Acquires analog input data into array (1D array) with voltage/current value
The data in the array is ordered by channel number

e.g.) Data array when 3 channels are sampled (numbers are channel No.)



Get the number of data that can actually be acquired (number of sampling per 1 Ch)

The OUT terminal name was changed in DAQ-LV-WIN Ver 1.10
Old terminal name: AiSamplingTimes out

New terminal name: AiDataNum
Please take attention when using from DAQ-LV-WIN Ver1.00, 1.01