VI for using the fail-safe function of remote type digital devices
You can check the status of the fail safe and reset it
Reset |
Initial value: False |
Specifies whether to reset if failsafe is activated
True: Reset
False: Do
not reset
At reset, you can set any output state by setting PatternData
PatternData |
Initial value: - |
Specify output data when reset fail-safe
Specify a hexadecimal value from 0 to FF in units of ports (8 bits) in an array in the order of port numbers.
* For a device with a 4-bit output, the output data will be a value from 0 to F
* Output data to bits that are not set in the fail-safe output terminal will be invalid
FailSafeStatus |
Gets the failsafe operating status
Failsafe activated state
False: Normal
The output terminals used for the fail-safe function can be used in the same way as other output terminals under normal conditions, You cannot output with the write VI while fail-safe is active. Use this VI to reset and return to normal state.