DncFFT Setting Panel

The DncFFT component can also be set from the standard Visual Studio property window, but a dedicated setting screen is provided.
For showing the setting screen, please see Set the component properties.




①Use task setting button

Reflects the parameters of the task that references itself.

      ・Sampling Rate

      ・Number of Sampling Channels

      ・Number of Sampling Data

      ・Enable data linkage.

 If the reference task does not exist, the button will be disabled, a "-" will be displayed in the task No., and it will be grayed out. (Message will be displayed when linked)


②Reference task No.

Indicates the Task No. of DncDaq to be linked.


③Analysis Type

Specifies the Fourier transform calculation method (FFT/DFT).


④Calculate Parameter: Number of Sampling Channels

    Specifies the number of sampling channels.


⑤Calculate Parameter: Sampling Rate(Hz)

Sets the sampling frequency.

    Units can be switched between Hz/kHz/MHz.


⑥Calculate Parameter: Number of Sampling Data

Number of sampling data. Indicates the number of data to be calculated by FFT.

    If ③ is FFT, an error message will be displayed if it is not a power of 2.

    *When specifying an FFT component in DncDaq, an error will be displayed depending on DFT or FFT.

       Common: For ALL, when the number of connections is less 2 / For FFT: When it is not a power of 2


⑦Power Spectrum in dB

Specify this when expressing the power spectrum unit in dB.


⑧Smoothing: Enabled

Applies the window function.


⑨Smoothing: Window Function

Set the window function to multiply the data.

    ・Rectangular window (has the best frequency resolution, but does not affect amplitude, so signal deviation is most likely to occur)

    ・Hamming window (better frequency resolution than Hann window and narrower dynamic range (amplitude range))

    ・Hanning window (one of the most commonly used window functions)

    ・Blackman window (lower frequency resolution and wider dynamic range than Hann window/Hamming window)


⑩Export button

Displays a dialog to save the setting information being edited in the ini file format (xxx.ini).


⑪Import button

Displays a dialog to specify the ini file format (xxx.ini) to be read.



Open the online help (if you cannot open the online help, open the installed chm help).


⑬OK button

Saves the settings and closes the settings screen.


⑭Cancel button

Closes the settings screen without saving the settings.