
DAQ-DNC uninstall procedure

Open [Programs and Features] from Control Panel,

run Uninstall of DAQ-DNC which is shown in the list of installed programs.


Instructions for uninstalling devices and device drivers

As an example of uninstalling an analog device, the following procedure is recommended.


1. From the device manager, delete all the devices you want to uninstall

2. Open "Programs and Features" on the control panel and uninstall two items in order

Windows Driver package - CONTEC (caio) Contec


3. Shut down the OS and remove the device


When using other than analog device

・Since the "caio" part of the driver package is different, please replace as follows

 For digital devices, it will be "cdio"

 For counter devices, it will be "ccnt"


・Since the "API-AIO" part of the driver name is different, please replace as follows

 For digital devices, it will be "API-DIO"

 For counter devices, it will be "API-CNT"