Modbus/RTU Master Communication Sample Program

■ Explanation


This is a sample program of Modbus/RTU master created in C++, C#, and VB.Net.

Modbus/RTU communication can be executed by specifying the COM port, setting the baudrate and parity etc.


■ Screen Image



■ Step to Use


  1. Enter the COM port, baudrate, parity bit, data bit, and stop bit to be used, then execute [modbus_new_rtu].
  2. Please specify the slave ID in [modbus_set_slave].
    * Set various serial settings and slave ID according to the settings of the device to communicate with.
  3. Use [modbus_connect] to connect with the device.
  4. To input or output via Modbus communication, please click the button after setting the parameters of each function code.
    * Please refer to the following for the function code corresponding to each button.

    Function Code

    Button Name (Function Name)

    ReadCoils (FC 1)


    ReadDiscreteInputs (FC 2)


    ReadHoldingRegisters (FC 3)


    ReadInputRegisters (FC 4)


    WriteCoil (FC 5)


    WriteRegister (FC6)


    WriteMultipleCoils (FC15)


    WriteMultipleRegisters (FC16)


    Data format for sending and receiving is as follows.

    - Send Data (Hex)
       Example) 01 0D AD

    - Receive Data (Hex)
       Example) 01 0D AD

    - Send Data (Bin)
       Example) 0 1 1

    - Receive Data (Bin)
       Example) 0 1 1

    In this sample, the maximum number of reading is 2000 bits / 125 words, and the maximum number of writing is 1968 bits / 123 words.
    * This is the maximum value of the Modbus specifications.

  5. Use [modbus_close] to disconnect from the device.
  6. Use [modbus_free] to free the memory allocated.
  7. Click the close button to exit the program.