Sets the response timeout period in Modbus communication.
ret = modbus_set_response_timeout( ctx , to_sec , to_usec )
ctx [ VB.NET: IntPtr ] [ C, C++: modbus_t * ] [ C#: IntPtr ] [ Python:ctypes.POINTER(modbus_t) ]
Specify the pointer to the libmodbus structure.
to_sec [ VB.NET: Uinteger ] [ C, C++: uint32_t * ] [ C#:uint ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32) ]
Specify the part of the timeout period that is more than 1 second (in unit of sec).
to_usec [ VB.NET:Uinteger ] [ C, C++: uint32_t * ] [ C#:out uint ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32) ]
Specify the part of the timeout period that is less than 1 second (in unit of usec).
Range of values : 0-999999
Return values
ret [ VB.NET:Integer ] [ C, C++: int ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_int ]
If the function succeeds, 0 is returned. If the function fails, -1 is returned, and the following errno is set.
Definition |
Description |
CTX is invalid. Or to_usec is more than 1000000. Or both to_sec and to_usec are set to 0. |
Sets the response timeout period in Modbus communication.
Sets the timeout period to 1.234 seconds.
Dim ret As Integer Dim ctx As IntPtr ret = modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx,1, 234000)
C, C++ |
int ret; modbus_t *ctx; ret = modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx, 1, 234000);
C# |
int ret; IntPtr ctx; ret = modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx, 1, 234000);
Python |
ret = ctypes.c_int
ctx = ctypes.POINTER(modbus_t) ret = modbus.modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx, 1, 234000) |