Support Device (Board Edition)

■PCI Express Bus Boards





PCI Bus Boards




■CONPROSYS Devices       Used in combination with CPS-BXC200




NOT support EXT-A and EXT-B on BX-M210 GPIO module.  *a  *b

*a There are 4 serial ports on BX-M210 GPIO model.
   However, "Serial Communication COM Driver" does not support these ports.
   "Extended Serial port A (EXT-A)" and "Extended Serial port B" CANNOT be used on Linux OS (March 2024)
   Please use "Serial port A" and "Serial port B" with the standard serial driver from Linux OS.

*b There are 2 serial ports on BX-M210 SATA model.
    However, "Serial Communication COM Driver" does not support these ports.
    Please use "Serial port A" and "Serial port B" with the standard serial driver from Linux OS.