This driver is provided in a compressed file.
You can use the following command in terminal to copy/extract it.
It is required to startup with root authority for install.
Please download the latest driver file from our website.
Download site for driver
The following XXX is the driver version.
Please refer "File Structure" topic if you need to know more
# tar xvfz COMDRVLNXUSB_XXX.tgz
"X" below varies depending on device.
# modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x06ce product=0x83X1
COM-1(USB)H ... product=0x8311
COM-1P(USB)H ... product=0x8321
COM-1PD(USB)H ... product=0x8331
Multiple products (COM-1(USB)H and COM-1PD(USB)H, etc.) cannot be used
at the same time.
If communication is not possible, execute the command "modprobe ftdi_sio"
and then execute "echo 06ce 83x1 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id".