This driver is provided in a compressed file.
You can use the following command in terminal to copy/extract it.
Please install the kernel header in advance.
If you want to change the library install path to a location, such as
/usr/local/lib, you should find the Makefile and change the install path
in advance.
It is required to startup with root authority for install.
Please download the latest driver file from our website.
Download site for driver
The following XXX is the driver version.
Please refer "File Structure" topic if you need to know more
# tar xvfz COMDRVLNX_XXX.tgz
# cd contec/comdrv/driver
# make clean
# make
# make install
# cd contec/comdrv/driver
# make module_load
In the example below, when 4 boards are connected, the serial port name will be as follows.
Board Num. Port Num
1st Board (COM-2CL-PCI) ttyCom0 - ttyCom1
2nd Board (COM-4CL-PCI) ttyCom2 - ttyCom5
3rd Board (COM-2DL-PCI) ttyCom6 - ttyCom7
4th Board (COM-4(PCI)H) ttyCom8 - ttyCom11
We have prepared a script "search-contec-comport",
so you can easily check the port name.