Data Transmitting/Receiving

For data transmitting/receiving as slave mode in GPIB, to perform data transmitting/receiving, you need not to specify the address.




- Transfer (Transmits data to listener and returns number of transmitted data on normal completion.)

long SendLen;

char SendBuf[256];

        strcpy ( SendBuf, "*IDN?" );                                       // Sets data to transmit to [*IDN?]

        SendLen = strlen ( SendBuf );                                     // Retrieves number of transfer string from data to transmit

        Ret = GpibSendData ( DevId, &SendLen, SendBuf );        // Transmits data to master

        if ( Ret == 0 ) Printf ( "%ld\n", SendLen );                    // Outputs number of transmitted data on normal completion


- Reception (Receives data from talker, outputs number of received data and received data on normal completion.)

long RecLen;

char RecBuf[256];

        RecLen = 256;                                                              // Sets maximum number of data to receive to 256

        Ret = GpibRecData ( DevId, &RecLen, RecBuf );                // Receives data from talker

        if ( Ret == 0 ) {                                                              // Confirms whether reception normally completed

                Printf ( "%ld\n", RecLen );                                      // Outputs number of received data

                Printf ( "%s\n", RecBuf );                                       // Outputs received data



Practical sample:

Performs data transmitting/receiving after master confirms talker and listener.

- Transfer (Transmits data to listener and returns number of transmitted data on normal completion.)

long SendLen;

char SendBuf[256];

long TAflag;

        TAflag = 0;                                                                    // Initializes flag to confirm specified talker

        do {

            Ret = GpibGetStatus ( Id, 0x13, &TAflag);                      // Confirms talker is specified

            if ( Ret != 0 ) break;                                                    // Checks return code

     } while ( TAflag == 0 );                                                    // Loops until talker is specified

        if (TAflag == 1 ) {                                                           // Performs transfer when talker is specified

            strcpy ( SendBuf, "*IDN?" );                                       // Sets data to transmit to [*IDN?]

            SendLen = strlen ( SendBuf );                                     // Retrieves number of transfer string from data to transmit

            Ret = GpibSendData ( DevId, &SendLen, SendBuf );        // Transmits data to master

            if ( Ret == 0 ) Printf ( "%ld\n", SendLen );                    // Outputs number of transmitted data on normal completion


- Reception (Receives data from talker, outputs number of received data and received data on normal completion.)

long RecLen;

char RecBuf[256];

long LAflag;

        LAflag = 0;                                                                    // Initializes flag to confirm specified listener

        do {

            Ret = GpibGetStatus ( Id, 0x14, &LAflag);                      // Confirms listener is specified

            if ( Ret != 0 ) break;                                                    // Checks return code

     } while ( LAflag == 0 );                                                    // Loops until listener is specified

        if (LAflag == 1 ) {                                                           // Performs transfer when listener is specified

        RecLen = 256;                                                              // Sets maximum number of data to receive to 256

        Ret = GpibRecData ( DevId, &RecLen, RecBuf );                // Receives data from talker

        if ( Ret == 0 ) {                                                              // Confirms whether reception normally completed

                Printf ( "%ld\n", RecLen );                                      // Outputs number of received data

                Printf ( "%s\n", RecBuf );                                       // Outputs received data





Usually the following codes are unnecessary in initial state because the address is not set. If address has been set, the following codes must be added before executing data transmitting/receiving functions to make address information nothing.

short Talker, ListenerArray[15];

        Talker = -1;

        ListenerArray[0] = -1;

        Ret = GpibSetAddrInfo ( DevId, Talker, ListenerArray );