Visual Basic .NET (.NET8)

Create Project

Launch Visual Studio, select [New]-[Project] from [File] menu.
From the template of [Create a new project] dialog box, select [Windows Forms App] of [Visual Basic], click the [Next] button.
From the [Configure your new project] dialog box, specify the project name and the location of the project to be created, click the [Next] button.
From the [Additional information] dialog box, select [.NET 8.0(Long-term support)], and click the [Create] button, then the project will be created.

※The above is for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit). Item names and commands may differ depending on the version of Visual Studio.
  For details, please refer to [Visual Studio Launch Screen].


Include Header File

In order to use the functions of Impedance Meter Driver in Visual Basic .NET, CZM.vb file is required.

Select [Project] from the menu bar of Visual Studio, and select [Add Existing Item] from the pull-down menu.
From the [Add Existing Item] dialog box, specify the CZM.vb file, click the [Add] button, then the header file is added to the project.

You can check whether the registered header file exists from the tree view in the [Solution Explorer] window of Visual Studio.

※The above is for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit). Item names and commands may differ depending on the version of Visual Studio.


Notes on building EXE applications in "Any CPU"

In general, an EXE application built with "Any CPU" specified in the [Active solution platform] item in the Visual Studio settings [Configuration Manager] window can be executed in both 64-bit environment and 32-bit OS environment.

However, when developing an EXE application that supports the .NET8 framework, it is necessary to be aware of the target OS.

Please refer ".NET execution environment for .NET8 or later" to know more details.