We provide the basic usage and skill in the sample programs with source
Because the sample programs are made as simply as possible, you need to
make good use of these for programming.
Folder structure
The sample program folder is configured as follows in the location where
API-SMC(WDM) is installed.
The folder structure is the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit OS environments.
|________ Sample\
| |
| |________ Inc\ Include
files for each language
| |
| |________ Lib_amd64\ Library
files for each language (64bit)
| |
| |________ Lib_i386\ Library
files for each language (32bit)
| |
| |
| |________ VB\
| |
|________ DotNetFramework4\ Samples
for Visual Basic.Net (.NET Framework)
| |
|________ DotNet8\
for Visual Basic.Net (.NET)
| |
| |________ VC\
| |
|________ Vc2015\
for Visual C++ (MFC)
| |
| |________ VC#\
| |
|________ DotNetFramework4\ Samples
for Visual C# (.NET Framework)
| |
|________ DotNet8\
for Visual C# (.NET)
| |
| |________ Python\
| |________ Python3\
for Python
|________ SampleExe\
|________ 64bit\ Sample
EXE file (64bit)
32bit\ Sample
EXE file (32bit)
Note: The underlined part is the default folder name of
the API-TOOL installer.
If the default folder name is changed
during API-TOOL installation, it will be changed.
The following sample programs of each language other than python are prepared.
Initialization sample |
It initializes it by using the initialization function. |
Basic Motion Setting sample |
The motion operation and the operation change are done by using the basic operation setting function. |
Control I/O sample |
The confirmation and the output of the control I/O signal are done by using the control signal function. |
Status acquisition sample |
The operation status function is used, and the operation status is confirmed and Priset of the pulse. |
Event sample |
Operation by the event is observed by using the event function. |
Syhchronize sample |
Synchronizes by using the basic operation setting function. |
Bank operates sample |
The bank (continuousness) operates by using the enhancing operation setting function. |
Interpolation operation sample |
The interpolation operation of two or more axes is done by using the enhancing operation setting function. |
Circular arc interpolation operation sample |
The circular arc interpolation operation of two axes is done by using the enhancing operation setting function. |
Counter latch FIFO sample |
CounterLTC |
Using the counter latch FIFO function, and performs counter latch FIFO operation. |
Count match trigger output FIFO sample |
FifoTrgOut |
Using a count coincidence trigger output FIFO function, count coincidence trigger output FIFO operation is performed. |
Manual pulser sample |
Pulser |
Use the manual pulser function, to perform a manual pulsar behavior. |
The following sample programs of python language are prepared.
Initialization sample |
It initializes it by using the initialization function. |
Basic Motion Setting sample |
The motion operation and the operation change are done by using the basic operation setting function. |
Control I/O sample |
The confirmation and the output of the control I/O signal are done by using the control signal function. |
Status acquisition sample |
The operation status function is used, and the operation status is confirmed and Priset of the pulse. |
Syhchronize sample |
Synchronizes by using the basic operation setting function. |
Bank operates sample |
The bank (continuousness) operates by using the enhancing operation setting function. |
Interpolation operation sample |
The interpolation operation of two or more axes is done by using the enhancing operation setting function. |
Circular arc interpolation operation sample |
The circular arc interpolation operation of two axes is done by using the enhancing operation setting function. |