-Use function
The operation status is confirmed by using the operation status function.
-Operation method
The axis to acquire the operation status
of the motor is selected by Device Name and axis number (AxisNo).
In the operation status, there are Outpulse Count (number of output pulses),
Encoder Count (number of encoder counts), BankNo (bank number), Outpulse
Status (state of the pulse output), Move Status (state of operation),
Stop Status (stop factor), and Limit Status (state of the limit).
Please push [Set Outpulse] when you
clear Outpulse Count.
Please push [Set Encpulse] when you
clear Enccder Count.
The return value is displayed in the comment, and execute it again, please
after confirming the content of the error and the correspondence when
the setting is not effective.
Please push [EXIT] when you end this program.