Set the speed of the target of bank/interpolation operation.
Ret = SmcWSetBankTargetSpeed( Id , AxisNo , BankNo , TargetSpeed )
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short
SSpecify the Deice ID retrieved by SmcWInit function.
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short
Specify axis number.
When the interpolation (Or, interpolate it the bank) operates, the interpolation
control axis is specified for an axis number.
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short
Specify bank number.
[ VB.NET: Double ] [ C, C++: double ] [ C#: double ] [ Python: ctypes.c_double
Set the speed of the target.The unit is PPS.
-1 When is specified, it becomes a default value.
Valid range: -1, Range of operation speed setting
The range of the speed setting is as follows.
For SMC-2/4/8DL series : from 0.29296875 to 9829800
For SMC-4/8DF series : from 0.0732421875 to 6553500
Return Value
Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++: long ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]
0 |
Terminated normally |
Non-zero |
Terminated abnormally |
See also: Error code details
The default value is 1000 pps.
SMC-2/4/8DL series is "BankNo=1" fixation.
The value that can be the setting by the default resolution (1pps) it is
from 1 to 16383 for SMC-2/4/8DL series.
Please change the speed resolution by the SmcWSetBankResolveSpeed
function when you set the speed of 16384pps or more.
The value that can be the setting by the
default resolution (1pps) it is from 1 to 65535 for SMC-4/8DF series.
Please change the speed resolution by the SmcWSetBankResolveSpeed
function when you set the speed of 65535pps or more.
The value is corrected to the multiple of
the resolution set with SmcWSetBankResolveSpeed.
Example: 105pps in case of 15pps Resolution.
When the speed of the target is larger than
the beginning speed, the acceleration operation is done.
A fixed velocity at the speed of the target moves when the speed of the
target is below the beginning speed.
If the device is in operation, the function cannot be performed.
See Also