

Sets motor motion stop event.


Ret = SmcWStopEvent( Id , AxisNo , hWnd , EventMode )


Id [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
SSpecify the Deice ID retrieved by SmcWInit function.

AxisNo [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Specify axis number.

hWnd [ VB.NET: IntPtr ] [ C, C++: HWND ] [ C#: IntPtr ] [ Python: ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE ]
Specify the window handle who activates the event.

EventMode [ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++: short ] [ C#: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Set the event to valid/invalid.


Invalidates the event


Validates the event

Return Value

Ret [ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++: long ] [ C#: int ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]


Terminated normally


Terminated abnormally

See also: Error code details


When the motor stops, the events occur. (The stop factor can be acquired with SmcWGetStopStatus. )
If the event generation function is executed once, the event is generated every time the factor is generated afterwards.
It is not necessary to execute it two or more times excluding the purpose to stop the event.
The message number is fixation.
The message of message number "8700H" is done in the specified window handle when the stop event is generated and PostMessage is done.

The following information enters wParam and lParam that is the parameter of the message respectively.
LOWORD(wParam)=ID acquired in SmcWInit function.
LOWORD(lParam)=Axis number.
- HIWORD and LOWORD show high word and low word respectively.


The motor operation stop event is set to axis number 1.

Dim Ret As Integer
Ret = SmcWStopEvent( Id , 1 , Handle , 1)

C, C++
long Ret;
Ret = SmcWStopEvent( Id , 1 , hWnd , 1);

int Ret;
Ret = Smc.WStopEvent( Id , 1 , hWnd , 1);

Ret = ctypes.c_long()
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWStopEvent( Id , 1 , hWnd , 1)

See Also

SmcWCountEvent SmcWBankEvent