Input the Number of Encoder Count Pulses

Example) Get the count value of the encoder of axis number 1.

■ Visual Basic

Dim Ret As Integer
Dim CountPulse As Integer

' Get the number of encoder count pulses
Ret = SmcWGetCountPulse( Id , 1, CountPulse )

■ C

long Ret;
long CountPulse ;

// Get the number of encoder count pulses
Ret = SmcWGetCountPulse( Id , 1, &CountPulse );

■ C#

int Ret;
int CountPulse ;

// Get the number of encoder count pulses
Ret = Smc.WGetCountPulse( Id , 1, out CountPulse );

■ Python

Ret = ctypes.c_long()
CountPulse = ctypes.c_long()

# Get the number of encoder count pulses
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWGetCountPulse( Id , 1, ctypes.byref(CountPulse) )