Change Speed

Example) Change the speed of X (axis number 1) that is performing JOG operation.
Change the speed to 2,000[PPS] with an acceleration time of 10[msec].

■ C

long Ret;
short Id;

// Set the speed after change
Ret = SmcWSetTargetSpeed( Id, 1, 2000);

// Set the acceleration time after change (10msec)
Ret = SmcWSetAccelTime( Id, 1, 10);

// Register the changes (changes in operating speed and acceleration/deceleration time).
Ret = SmcWSetMotionChangeReady( Id, 1, 4);

// Change the motor speed.
Ret = SmcWMotionChange( Id, 1);

■ Visual Basic

Dim Ret   As Integer
Dim Id   As Short

' Set the speed after change
SmcWSetTargetSpeed( Id, 1, 2000#)

' Set the acceleration time after change (10msec)
Ret = SmcWSetAccelTime( Id, 1, 0)

' Register the changes (changes in operating speed and acceleration/deceleration time).
Ret = SmcWSetMotionChangeReady( Id, 1, 4);

' Change the motor speed.
Ret = SmcWMotionChange( Id, 1)

■ C#

int Ret;
short Id;

// Set the speed after change
Ret = Smc.WSetTargetSpeed( Id, 1, 2000);

// Set the acceleration time after change (10msec)
Ret = Smc.WSetAccelTime( Id, 1, 10);

// Register the changes (changes in operating speed and acceleration/deceleration time).
Ret = Smc.WSetMotionChangeReady( Id, 1, 4);

// Change the motor speed.
Ret = Smc.WMotionChange( Id, 1);

■ Python

Ret = ctypes.c_long()
Id = ctypes.c_short()

# Set the speed after change
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWSetTargetSpeed( Id, 1, 2000)

# Set the acceleration time after change (10msec)
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWSetAccelTime( Id, 1, 10)

# Register the changes (changes in operating speed and acceleration/deceleration time).
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWSetMotionChangeReady( Id, 1, 4)

# Change the motor speed.
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWMotionChange( Id, 1)