PTP movement

Movement from one point to another point (Point To Point).
PTP movement can be executed by setting the following parameters.
Please use it for simple positioning control.


Notes on triangular drive  

 If a parameter for triangular drive (operation without a constant speed section in PTP operation) is specified, this driver will change the target speed to a parameter that can be set in the LSI.

 Correction operation differs depending on the MotionType of the SmcWSetReady function.

 When MotionType = 1:
 The acceleration/deceleration rate that has been set will not be maintained.

    When MotionType = 7:
 The acceleration/deceleration rate that has been set will be maintained.

 In either case, the acceleration/deceleration time will also be changed if the triangular drive cannot be performed only by correcting the target speed.