Menu Bar [*1]

You can see Pull-down menu when you click the menu bar on the top of CONTEC Device Utility.
Please select one item on Pull-down menu.


The menu's structure of CONTEC Device Utility is as below.


Pull-down menu




Please select the retry number for searching the device when you click "Reload" button.

CONTEC Device Utility uses the multi-cast communication to detect Ethernet device or Wi-Fi device.
There is no devices on "Device display area" when it can not detect any devices.

It may detect the new devices and display them on "Device display area" when you set the bigger number in retry number item and click "Reload" button.

Factory default : 1 ( searching around 3 or 4 seconds)
Setting range : 1 to 10

The retry number is one(1) time when you start up CONTEC Device Utility in a beginning.
This setting is not reflect in starting CONTEC Device Utility.
Because, most of people may not prefer to wait for longer for starting it.

Manual Detect

CONTEC Device Utility can use the uni-cast communication to detect detect Ethernet device or Wi-Fi device with the indicated IP address.

Basically, CONTEC Device Utility uses the multi-cast communication to detect Ethernet device or Wi-Fi device.
Some of case, CONTEC Device Utility can not detect them by mutil-cast communication on your network environment.

Please indicate IP address of your device and click "Manual Detect" button when you can not see your devices on Device display area.


About ContecDeviceUtility

You can confirm the version of CONTEC Device Utility.