Sampling Condition Setting

Sampling condition setting is different from usual counter operation mode, and is as sampling mode including the following setting.

- Set stand-alone/master/slave (CntSetStandAlone / CntSetMaster / CntSetSlave)

- Set totalizing counter mode/line receiver counter mode (CntSetCounterMode)

- Set Sampling start condition (CntSetSamplingStartTrigger)

- Set Sampling clock condition (CntSetSamplingClockTrigger)

- Set Sampling stop condition (CntSetSamplingStopTrigger)

- Set whether synchronize with sampling start/stop for counter start/stop condition (CntSetSamplingStartTrigger / CntSetSamplingStopTrigger)

- Set of internal clock (CntSetSamplingInternalClock)

- Set of sampling stop number (CntSetSamplingStopNumber)

Please refer to Function Reference for setting details.