Register Setting of Comparison Count Value

The "Comparison count value load" is the function that the next comparison count value is automatically loaded each time a comparison count match occurs.

The figure above shows an action example when using "Comparison count value load".
After counter action starts, the first comparison count match occurs at count value 1000.
When the counter value reaches 1000, the counter value 2000 that the second comparison count match occurs is set.
In the same, the array values are set in turn each time a comparison count match occurs.

After the last value of the array is loaded, you can repeat it again to load the first data of the array.
In addition, the method does not perform load afterward without repeating (preset value remains at 1500) is also possible.

Use function AioSetCntComparisonReg to set "Comparison count value load".

Ret = AioSetCntComparisonReg ( Id , CntChannel , ComparisonNumber, ComparisonCount , Flag )

Sets the channel number of counter in the CntChannel.

Specifies the total number of comparison count value to be load in the ComparisonNumber.

Specifies the pointer to the array that stores the comparison count value data in the ComparisonCount.

Specifies whether to repeat the load in the Flag.

If the comparison count value is fixed, please set ComparisonNumber = 1 and Flag = 1.