Registers the called callback function as an event relative to interval timer occurs.
Ret = AioSetTmCallBackProc ( Id , TimerId , CallBackProc , AiEvent , Param)
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++ : short ] [ C# : short ] [ Python : ctypes.c_short
Specifies the device ID retrieved from AioInit.
[ VB.NET : Short ] [ C, C++ : short ] [ C# : short ] [ Python : ctypes.c_short
Specifies the timer ID.
[ VB.NET: IntPtr ] [ C, C++ : long * ] [ C# : IntPtr ] [ Python : ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)
Specifies the address of the callback function.
[ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++ : long ] [ C# : int ] [ Python : ctypes.c_long
The event factor that invoke the callback function is specified from the
following range in the macro or numerical value.
AiEvent has the following meanings in bit, it can be specified by a combination
of these bits.
Event factor |
Macro |
Value |
Event that interval elapses |
00000001H |
[ VB.NET: IntPtr ] [ C, C++ : void * ] [ C# : void * ] [ Python : ctypes.c_void_p
Specifies the address of parameter passed to callback.
If the parameter isn't needed, please set NULL to it.
Ret [ VB.NET : Integer ] [ C, C++ : long ] [ C# : int ] [ Python : ctypes.c_long ]
Return values |
Content |
0 |
Normality completion |
7 |
Execute AioResetDevice function because the device has recovered from standby mode |
10001 |
Id was specified |
10002 |
driver can't be called |
16020 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the function |
20001 |
This function can't be used by this device |
20002 |
not use while by another device works |
20003 |
not use because another process is using the device |
26020 |
The value of TimerId is outside the designated range of the device being used |
This function is used to register the callback
function, if any event occurs on device, the callback function will be
The operation of callback function is similar to event, callback does not
need the window handle, therefore the callback can be used for the application
without window.
This function cannot be used on devices without
timer functionality.
If the device is in operation, the function cannot be performed.
It cannot be used with window message notification (AioSetTmEvent).
If the function AioStopTmTimer is performed, the callback function cannot be called.
You should not execute the functions that start/stop devices operation in the callback routine.
Registers the callback function with the factor of Event that interval elapses.
refer to [Note
of Using Visual Basic .NET] |
C, C++ |
Ret; |
C# |
refer to [Note
of Using Visual C#] |
Python |
= ctypes.c_long() |
Ret = CallBackProc ( Id , Message , wParam , lParam , Param )
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++ : short ] [ C# : short ] [ Python : ctypes.c_short
The ID retrieved from AioInit is passed.
[ VB.NET: Short ] [ C, C++ : short ] [ C# : short ] [ Python : ctypes.c_short
The message ID that cause the invoked callback function is passed.
Message ID is one of the following values.
Analog input message factor |
Macro |
Value |
Interval are satisfied event |
1060H |
[ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++ : WPARAM ] [ C# : int ] [ Python : ctypes.wintypes.WPARAM
The value of TimerId is passed.
[ VB.NET: Integer ] [ C, C++ : LPARAM ] [ C# : int ] [ Python : ctypes.wintypes.LPARAM
The parameter peculiar to event is passed.
Event factor |
Parameter |
Event that interval elapses |
None |
[ VB.NET: IntPtr ] [ C, C++ : void * ] [ C# : void * ] [ Python : ctypes.c_void_p
The parameter specified in AioSetTmCallBackProc is passed.
If the parameter is specified to NULL, NULL is stored here.