

Reads the sampling data of specified times from the device memory (software memory). 
This function can only be used when the transfer mode of the conversion data that is set by AioSetAiTransferMode is Device buffer mode.
It cannot be used when the transfer mode of the conversion data is User buffer mode.


Ret = AioGetAiSamplingData ( Id , AiSamplingTimes , AiData )


Id [ VB.NET : Short ] [ C, C++ : short ] [ C# : short ] [ Python : ctypes.c_short ]
Specifies the ID retrieved from AioInit function.

AiSamplingTimes [ VB.NET : Integer ] [ C, C++ : long * ] [ C# : ref int ] [ Python : ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long) ]
Specifies the address of variable which has stored the sampling times of acquiring data.
After this function is executed, return the actual number of samplings which has been read.

AiData [ VB.NET : Integer() ] [ C, C++ : long * ] [ C# : ref int[] ] [ Python : ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long) ]
Specifies the address of array which stores the converted data. The converted data are stored in binary value.

Resolution of device is 12 bit

0 to 4095

Resolution of device is 16 bit

0 to 65535

Return value

Ret [ VB.NET : Integer ] [ C, C++ : long ] [ C# : int ] [ Python : ctypes.c_long ]

Return values



Normality completion


Execute AioResetDevice function because the device has recovered from standby mode


Invalid Id was specified
Use the Id retrieved from AioInit to specify the Id in this function.


AIO driver can't be called
At first, perform AioInit function.


Pointer to AiSamplingTimes is NULL
Specify the address of variable to parameter.


Pointer to AiData is NULL
Specify the address of variable to parameter.


The value of AiSamplingTimes is outside the designated range of the function.


This function can't be used by this device


Can not use because another process is using the device
When another process is using the device, all functions except for those that support multi-process can not be performed.


It tried to acquire data beyond the converted number
AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value


FIFO is empty


It tried to acquire data beyond the memory size. AiSamplingTimes is changed to the maximum value


In AioStartAi, the used data are stored by each channel.
This function cannot be used on devices without the analog input function.

In FIFO memory
Usually the old data is read in.
The data that has ever been read cannot be reread. 
It can be used if the device is in operation.

In RING memory
Retrieves the data of the specified sampling number from the latest data.
The same data can be repeated retrieved.
It can't be used if the device is in operation.


Reads the sampling data of 1000 times.


Dim Ret As Integer
Dim AiSamplingTimes As Integer
Dim AiData(1000) As Integer
AiSamplingTimes = 1000
Ret = AioGetAiSamplingData ( Id , AiSamplingTimes , AiData )

C, C++

long Ret;
long AiSamplingTimes;
long AiData[1000];
AiSamplingTimes = 1000;
Ret = AioGetAiSamplingData ( Id , &AiSamplingTimes , &AiData[0] );


int Ret;
int AiSamplingTimes;
int[] AiData = new int[1000];
AiSamplingTimes = 1000;
Ret = aio.GetAiSamplingData ( Id , ref AiSamplingTimes , ref AiData );


Ret = ctypes.c_long()
AiSamplingTimes = ctypes.c_long()
AiDataType = ctypes.c_long * 1000
AiData = AiDataType()
AiSamplingTimes.value = 1000
Ret.value = caio.AioGetAiSamplingData ( Id , ctypes.byref(AiSamplingTimes) , AiData )

See also

AioSetAiMemoryType AioGetAiMemoryType