Win32API format
* Not compatible with Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
The contents of the parameters and the return
value of functions are common regardless of the development language.
Please refer to the function reference for details.
Visual Basic .NET has a different data type
than previous versions of Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0.
Please be careful when using the application created in the old version.
When notifying an event by using callback
function in Visual Basic .NET,
it is required to fix the callback function's memory address.
The following code is the sample to process
the analog input event that device operation end.
For details, please refer to the sample programs.
■ Declaring as global variables.
Dim gCh As GCHandle
Dim pdelegate_func As PAICALLBACK
Dim pfunc As IntPtr
■ In the Load method, initializing the delegate for interrupt process, and add a reference to prevent garbage collection from being destroyed.
pdelegate_func = New PAICALLBACK(AddressOf
gCh = GCHandle.Alloc(pdelegate_func)
■ In the Close method, releasing the handle.
■ Retrieving the fixed function pointer.
pfunc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(pdelegate_func)
■ Specifying the retrieved fixed pointer by function AioSetAiCallBackProc.
Ret = AioSetAiCallBackProc(Id, pfunc, AIE_END, Temp)
In Visual Basic .NET, for the buffer used
for user buffer mode, it is required to add process for fixing memory
The following code is the sample for this process.
For details, please refer to the sample programs.
■ Declaring as global variables.
Dim gCh As GCHandle
Dim pBuffer As IntPtr
Dim AiData(10000) As Integer
■ In the Load method, assigning a handle of Pinned type to the buffer.
If gCh.IsAllocated = False Then
gCh = GCHandle.Alloc(AiData, GCHandleType.Pinned)
End If
■ In the Closed method, releasing the handle.
If gCh.IsAllocated = True Then
End If
■ Retrieving the pointer of fixed object.
pBuffer = gCh.AddrOfPinnedObject()
■ Specifying the retrieved fixed pointer by function AioSetAiTransferData.
Ret = AioSetAiTransferData(Id, 10000 , pBuffer)